Mental illness- is it real?

Don Corleone said:
all this is because people are full. they are full of food, full of art, full of music, full of money...

one of the highest suicide rates is in sweden...and guess what, their yearly income and level of welfare are much higher than a great percentage of all the countries...see any link?

if these people knew what poverty was, or say they lived in a country where they had to work their ass off for food...then they would know the true value of life.
I agree and don't agree with you, I agree if you say that a lot of people that have everything they need, a lot of time to think included, would be realise how happy they are if they suddenly had to work indeed their ass of for some food. Maybe people just shouldn't have the luxury to have the possibility to sit down and *think*. I can't imagine any of those medieval 'slaves' (don't know the good word, the people that worked for the knight in his castle you know :loco: ) had a depression. They just didn't have the time to slow down and do the bad evil thinking... Maybe the link between suicide and Scaninavia is rather related to the landscape and amount of sunlight per day...

On the other hand, if you say that depression is because people are full... I think that you only have a 'real' depression, in my opinion, if you've let go everything... emptiness and apathy you know... no?
Jeeesus, what's this trend to make the countries of the former Soviet block exotic and look like some bunch of degenerated and backward people and places and cultures??? "Hungry for pop music from the west", "wearing denim, and all of this behind the iron curtain!!! :OMG:" This is, how did you say? "tad stupid" too. Why do we listen to western music now that the evil of communism is gone?? Are we allowed to do that now without being considered weird just cause the iron curtain is gone??? Globalization didn't start in 1989, ffs.

I bet you have no idea either, don't judge a country, let alone a whole fucking geographical block, if you don't have enough background knowledge.

Western music against depression for the poor oppressed peoples, cool.
According to the people back in the 60ies, and those that wanted to "break free" - this was the case. There's reading and I believe a good documentry-series about this on Discovery Channel, to mention something.

Now it is different, but back then...
Gronke said:
According to the people back in the 60ies, and those that wanted to "break free" - this was the case. There's reading and I believe a good documentry-series about this on Discovery Channel, to mention something.

Now it is different, but back then...
I thought you said you shouldnt be banging on about a country unless you'd lived there. :hypno: snared. rapid.
Bambi said:
I thought you said you shouldnt be banging on about a country unless you'd lived there. :hypno: snared. rapid.

Didn't say it WAS like that, though that the documentry said so... wasn't clear - sorry hotshot.
documentary , discovery chanell, MTV, CNN -- OMG :ill: :Puke:
Now, thats the fuckin cause of - well.. not depression but - STUPIDITY : the TV. IDIOTS!!!! do you live your life in a cartoon - like morten harket? how about realness, buying a train ticket e.g., see the world, taste life!?
I'm with Dora on this one!

good documentaries on Discovery channel - what a joke!
Bambi said:
You can see the world on the discovery channel, looks neat

Often it isn't though... neither on d.c. nor in "reality" - though there are highlights in form of the few good people and Dallas.
Dora said:
documentary , discovery chanell, MTV, CNN -- OMG :ill: :Puke:
Now, thats the fuckin cause of - well.. not depression but - STUPIDITY : the TV. IDIOTS!!!! do you live your life in a cartoon - like morten harket? how about realness, buying a train ticket e.g., see the world, taste life!?

This is a top10 post.
reality is also a similar thing speaking about "mental illness" - you either taste is or you just speak bullshit. theres no way to live other people's inside world. like, how do you tell if someone is "really" depressed - you ask him "how many times you think about death in a day" and if its more than 35 you believe it, otherwise no. then what? Ok. And if hes dead finally, you can get thin slices from his brain to show a picture on projector with fancy tech drawings, circles and arrows showing that "see, here! he was depressed" LOL.
Which can make a progress?
there seems to be some progress though: it is believed that (many forms of) depression are caused by to high concentrations of stress hormones in the blood of the patient (the mechanism to end a stess reaction seems to be malfunctioning) - in the US medication is being tested which will "reset" the stress-system and preliminary results show a good deal of improvement for many patients

however, the testing may take still several years
it is neither I think, it's just that depression and a high concentration of stress hormones in the blood tend to occur together - the important thing is that the depression simptomes tend to disappear when the stress-system is "reset" by this new medicine (these are also two events which tend to occur together) - whether it's cause or effect is not important then I think
Dora said:
reality is also a similar thing speaking about "mental illness" - you either taste is or you just speak bullshit. theres no way to live other people's inside world. like, how do you tell if someone is "really" depressed - you ask him "how many times you think about death in a day" and if its more than 35 you believe it, otherwise no. then what? Ok. And if hes dead finally, you can get thin slices from his brain to show a picture on projector with fancy tech drawings, circles and arrows showing that "see, here! he was depressed" LOL.
Which can make a progress?