
New Metal Member
Feb 4, 2012
hi guys this is my first ever post! my name is adam and i could use some help :D


within the first 20 seconds of this song theres a lone "snare-crack" and the tone of the snare continues to amaze me thoughout the track.

i use acoustica beatcraft with samples ive found on the net (i dont have a good rig AT ALL so i struggle with vst drum programs) and i cannot get that tone.

what are your thoughts?

cheers my friends :)
If possible, get Superior Drummer 2. Layer a few snares, adjust volumes to taste. Then for EQ, I like to wide/narrow/medium cut somewhere in the middle to make it more 'fat'. Also add some 200hz for more bigger sound(maybe reduce abit of 200hz on guitars and other instruments where it's not so important, like guitars. But only like 1-2dB boost/cut on each, because that usually does the job). For the 'crack', you could try and boost some mid-highs or highs. Then a Transient Designer(or an Envelope) for the attack/sustain. The idea of layering snares is good because you dont have to EQ it to death later if you put another snare ontop that already has that natural 'crack' or 200hz.
Also, what I like to do is just have every drum track go to a separate comp bus and just have everything a smashed mess and slightly bury it in the mix. Experiment if your new to this stuff.

Welcome to the forum btw :wave: