Dave Lombardo & the new Slayer

Felix Neumann

Sep 14, 2008
Hi dudes :headbang:

I listen to the new Slayer album in detail and what I wanna do..is PRAISING Dave Lombardo for his performcance :worship: He´s one of the gods in the metal circus imo. I fucking love his playing on this record.

The guitar sound is not good imo, the production reminds me of Death Magnetic in a sad way :erk: The songs of the album are mostly excellent though imo.

And yes...the solos are bad as usual.

Non-Slayer haters are very welcome. Slayer- haters please try being as objective as possible. I know, Slayer fucking polarize the shit out of each discussion..to express it as a typical Slayer lunatic..hahahahahahah :loco:
i´m really curious about their new album too, wait.. i still have Christ Illusion in my cd-shelf and not listend once since i bought it the day i has been released.. its still factory-sealed.. dooh..
dave lombardo is one of my favourite drummers.. because auf slayer, and also because of the tons of other records he´s playing on. :)
I'm a massive Slayer fan, but this album.. I hate to say it but it's even worse than Christ Illusion. I bought CI first day it was released, ran home, listened to it once and... never listened to it ever since :( Well, I didn't like GHUA when it was released too, but now I think I'm convincing myself to it more and more. Maybe one day ten years from now I'll drop WPB to cd player and who knows what will happen :)

Anyway Lombardo is one of the best drum dudes out there hands down. I love his work with Grip Inc. maybe even more than Slayer. Guy's so clever and creative not even mentioning robotic timing and great feeling.

btw. is this record clipping badly at some moments (mostly solos) or are my speakers just tired?
I have not received my CD yet - release date November 3rd. I'll let you know what I think when I get it.
The audio engineer in this album is Greg Fidelman:zombie: the same who mix death magnetic:puke: Slayer must be masochists.
Guitars sound farty, you would think that after the death-magnet-verbal-beatdown they would have gone another route production-wise....
I wonder why they didn´t learn from their bullshit they´ve made on Death Magnetic. Under the line a good song is it for me, what makes a good album. But I don´t understand, why this record have to sound that weird, especially the guitars. The drums are pretty cool, because of Dave´s performance.

@utarefson give it a chance, I also needed some runs til i found out it´s a good album. The first thought was like.."muaaaaah sounds like shit". The drums and mostly of the songs are above average though, when I compare it with the last 3 records. IMO.

This song here has the most impressive "ufftauffta" rythm drumming, I ever heared from Slayer. Lombardo´s breaks in the middle of the song are awesome and full of energy. He fucking gave all in the studio, you can literally feel it!

And when you ask me, this song has the power to be a classic one time..maybe :)
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had to be done.
aw dude! that song is fucking awesome! wow...maybe i'll pick this up

edit:...in fact, after listening to a couple more tracks i think i will buy it...wow, what an unexpected pleasure

2nd edit:...this album makes Death Magnetic sound like it was mixed by Andy
2nd edit:...this album makes Death Magnetic sound like it was mixed by Andy

dave lombardo sux :Smug:

his drum fills and playing are random as hell (in a bad way) and unorganized and he is not tight

I watched a few drum clinics he did and i was not impressed
the only CD that i think is his best work that didnt sound to much like dave lombardo jerking off behind the kit was The gathering

dave lombardo sux :Smug:

his drum fills and playing are random as hell (in a bad way) and unorganized and he is not tight

I watched a few drum clinics he did and i was not impressed
the only CD that i think is his best work that didnt sound to much like dave lombardo jerking off behind the kit was The gathering

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