Dave Mustaine's own opinion of EMG pickups.

HAHAHA, I'm fuckin crying over here! (Charmin). You know, I think Dave is a prick, but you have to love him. He's such an ass and I think it's funny. Anyone seen him in that gay ass Metallica video (that I should have never rented)? He fuckin sobs in it because Metallica ruined his life...HAHAHA!! It's so funny!
I prefer Quilted Northern myself. And I work next door to Seymour Duncan's Santa Barbara headquarters, so I have to hide my EMGs when I bring my guitar to the office to practice on my lunch break, lest the Duncanites burn me in the parking lot as the traitor I am!
Does EMG make TP too? Nothing like active toilet paper to put those dingleberries in their place!

Oh, I would like an active TP too!!!

Nice, smooth, and REALLY feeling what's goin' on down there!!!

The only problem: getting accustomed to teh battery hangin' from the buttocks...

:grin: :grin: :grin:
It'd help him hit the high notes definately hahaha

So hang on, within 24 hrs we went from DM not liking EMG's to Rob Halford getting a car battery up his arse....I'm proud of this forum!
WingsofRedemption said:
Back on topic, I think EMG's sound muddy and lack defininition(especially when used with a marshall amp).
Sorry man, I do understand why someone wouldn't like EMGs but that definitely is not a valid reason.