David Cronenberg

Mick Moss

Apr 12, 2002
I just had a David Cronenberg week. I watched my old copies of Shivers, Scanners, The Brood and Videodrome. This geezer is an absolute genius. Everyhting is sex - mutation - death. Naked Luch is on the telly tonight and I've never seen that one but its got Peter Weller in so I'm sure its gonna rock. Has anyone seen Crash! or Existenz? Can this geezer do any wrong? Unlike other great genre directors like John Carpenter or George Romero, Cronenberg carried on making excellently sordid groundbreaking shit.
i've seen crash, existenz, videodrome and his latest one , spider. to be honest, his not in my top 10 list or anything but he's deffo got a groundbreaking vision. very unique perspective (and twisted, hehe).
naked lunch is a masterpiece and existenz is one of his good ones. I never will forget the bone-gun :lol:.

He always plays with reality. That´s great, you never know what is the real world. Hallucinations, fantasy and everything melts together. Look at the symbolic messages in his movies and you will also see the deeper meaning ;).

Lynch is even better...
spider's a book actualy, so it's not cronenberg script or anything. it's about a schizophrenic, his childhood and all that. it's set in 50's london i think. his relationship with his father and mother are the key points of the story really. it's a very dark film.
Crash was a bizarre movie. I stopped watching after James Spader and that other guy started making out

Personally, Daron Aronofsky (Pi & Requiem For A Dream) rules my cinematic world
Scanners fucking rules. I used to stare at the vhs cover of that as a kid in my local video shop but my dad wouldnt let me get it out. Eventually he did but it wasnt as gory as the cover made out, still fucking ace
Frodnat said:
naked lunch is a masterpiece and existenz is one of his good ones. I never will forget the bone-gun :lol:.

He always plays with reality. That´s great, you never know what is the real world. Hallucinations, fantasy and everything melts together. Look at the symbolic messages in his movies and you will also see the deeper meaning ;).

Lynch is even better...

Deeper meaning? What happened to Burroughs is what happens to people when they inject coke for a while. It happened to my ex-boyfriend. He ended up in Springfield Mental Hospital for six weeks. (continued to use when he got out) Years later, he swore everything that he thought had happened to him then, really happened. He never figured it out. The hallucinations are dead real no matter how bizarre they are, and no matter what your common sense tells you even later, they are totally convincing.
Mick Moss said:
Scanners fucking rules. I used to stare at the vhs cover of that as a kid in my local video shop but my dad wouldnt let me get it out. Eventually he did but it wasnt as gory as the cover made out, still fucking ace

I watched it as a kid too. I confess I found it gory and frightening. I wanted to be Cameron Vale with his telepathic and telekinetic powers. But when I watched it one year ago, I was disappointed 'cause the film was less impressive than in my memory.
nomana-nuniyan said:
Deeper meaning? What happened to Burroughs is what happens to people when they inject coke for a while. It happened to my ex-boyfriend. He ended up in Springfield Mental Hospital for six weeks. (continued to use when he got out) Years later, he swore everything that he thought had happened to him then, really happened. He never figured it out. The hallucinations are dead real no matter how bizarre they are, and no matter what your common sense tells you even later, they are totally convincing.
Only in a very abstract way. Even in hallucinations there is something like a deeper meaning, when you extract the symbolism and the feelings that are involved.

In Naked Lunch for example the book Naked Lunch and the biography of Burroughs is mixed together to show the mind that is behind such a book like Naked Lunch. It tells us why Burroughs wrote in such a "strange" and twisted way. He couldn´t find a another way to express...:ill:
Frodnat said:
Only in a very abstract way. Even in hallucinations there is something like a deeper meaning, when you extract the symbolism and the feelings that are involved.

In Naked Lunch for example the book Naked Lunch and the biography of Burroughs is mixed together to show the mind that is behind such a book like Naked Lunch. It tells us why Burroughs wrote in such a "strange" and twisted way. He couldn´t find a another way to express...:ill:

Drug hallucinations from these types of drugs (he was a junkie mainly, not a tripper) are the same for everyone pretty much because they trigger animal fight and flight response, nightmare stuff after a certain point. Crack is a nightmare in itself let alone injecting.
Dude, Burroughs was a hard core drug addict. He wrote because he was a writer, period. Artist, yeah, but his habit influenced and controlled everything he wrote. This is the way it is with junkies. The mind behind his writing is the mind of a junkie. If you've ever been around junkies you'd know all about it. I lived with one for eight years.

There is no big mystery here. It's very simple.
We all are junkies of one kind or another. The reason why many people use drugs is clear, isn´t it? What did you mean with that they trigger flight response?

Most hardcore-drugs are dopamine-agonists so they increase aggressive behaviour, that´s right, but the flight response??? The problem is that there should be enough dopamin in your head, if you inject dopamine-agonists then you just compensate some decrease inside. Hmmmm... so drugs are working like a shield more or less, obscuring the view... :ill:

There is reason for taking drugs and there is also a clear mind behind these drug-veil. The stories of Burroughs are sick indeed, but when you take a deeper look at Naked Lunch for example you will find the person. This is my opinion.

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