David Cronenberg

Do so, I'm interested in it. Some people do prefer the giallos to Suspiria. It depends if you prefer witches and spells or gloves and leather! Choose your clan!
Nicolas said:
Do so, I'm interested in it. Some people do prefer the giallos to Suspiria. It depends if you prefer witches and spells or gloves and leather! Choose you clan!
i can quess he will like suspiria more, but we have to watch it together.
Best, I just saw yesterday that "The Card Player" is soon to be released. Another giallo to come. Well, I'll certainly see it but I'm really enthusiatic because he told that the next movie he will make will be the third part of the "Three Mothers"(after Suspiria and Inferno)!!!.
Nicolas said:
Best, I just saw yesterday that "The Card Player" is soon to be released. Another giallo to come. Well, I'll certainly see it but I'm really enthusiatic because he told that the next movie he will make will be the third part of the "Three Mothers"(after Suspiria and Inferno)!!!.

Yeah, i have been followin the news on the film for a time now and i think itll be at least as good as sleepless. On suspiria, recently i thought what would happen if hollywood wanted to make a remake of it and my blood froze in that second :ill:
Crack Hitler said:
Spider was deffo an interesting film, tho I didn't find it that, umm.. complex or the-ultimate-answer-about-twisted-mind like. It was merely a story about a sad life of a schitzophrenic man told really good and in-depth. Ralph Fiennes was terrific in it. Shivers was excellent when I saw it a long time ago, took a little twist in zombieish genre. How come none has mentioned one of the best Stephen King adaptions, The Dead Zone with Christopher Walken?

oh and talking about Cronenberg, has anyone seen the canadian end of the world -movie Last Night in which he has a small role? Really good down-to-earth take on that subject.
Is Spider worth seeing would you say? It's funny this movie comes up, I actually just saw a preview of it a while ago and wanted to rent it but my VCR is broken and I owe everyone money anyway. So I was thinking of maybe trying to get it on here. This girl I chat with sometimes said she saw it and didn't like it. Ralph Fiennes does kick ass btw as does Christopher Walken!:Spam:
well i finally watched "deep red" and i must say im very much impressed. it's much better than "sleepless" which, if you ask me, wasnt that spectacular.

im beginning to like argento. im going to see suspiria nex monday.
xVultusx said:
Hey, Im Vultus from the band TENEbRAE, We are opening for The Gathering on February 14th 2004 at L'Amour in Brooklyn, Ny. If you are interested you can check us ( TENEbRAE ) out at www.TheGreatestBand.com and the venue at www.Lamourrocks.com . If you are interested in purchasing tickets, you can E-mail me at Vultus@TheGreatestBand.com or through our webpage.
(miscellaneous quote goes here)

Are you really a sXe mister Vultus ?
Wow. I can't believe not a soul here mentioned Cronenburg's greatest pieces, The Fly and Dead Ringers. Those two movies really are companion pieces, in that The Fly details loss of identity through physical disintegration and Dead Ringers does the same through psychological disintegration. Jeff Bridges is brilliant in his role, arguably the best of his career with a little competition from Mr. Frost. And Jeremy Irons in Dead Ringers plays twin brother gynecologists who begin to disintegrate from falling in love, distrust, and of course, lots of drugs. I really do believe that it is Jeremy Irons' finest hour, and everyone here should do themselves a favor and watch those two flicks.
Yeah, Dead Ringers was a great film, one of my favorite sick films of all time. Yep, Irons was great in it. A film close to my heart in a way for a number of reasons I won't mention. Sad tragic film, very.
The fly was good but I don't think it could touch Dead Ringers.
Yeah, The Fly is great, but not Cronenburg's best. I only mention it because I really feel that it is the companion film to Dead Ringers. Cronenburg must have been really depressed during those years of his life ('86-'88).
The Scourge said:
Jeff Bridges is brilliant in his role, arguably the best of his career with a little competition from Mr. Frost.
Yes indeed. He went through quite a change for The Fly.



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