David Gold, how the hell do you write such beautiful lyrics?

I actually do think Woods have some of the greatest lyrics in metal, and thats saying a lot, cause there are some absolutely beautiful lyric writers in metal, such as Mikael Akerfeldt, and David, you're write up there. I do remember him saying that lyrics mean a lot to him, and he revises them over and over... so yeah.
Yes, I also recall him saying that he does that... and it really shows!


I can imagine and relate to about every single Woods lyric because everything is put so perfectly.
Thanks as always for the kind words about the words I choose. Writting riffs is fun, but lyrics are always difficult. Actually, I even find the stage of brainstorming lyrical ideas on a new theme is also fun (when the ideas are pouring out faster that you can write them down!), but making those final edits and setting your words in stone at the end turns my stomach. It's always hard to let go and call a song finished, especially in the case of a song like "Your Ontario Town is a Burail Ground" who's main riffs, lyrics and concept has been kicking around in my head since December 2003 (!!!), before I had even begun writing "Woods 2:pursuit of the Sun & Allure of the Earth". It's hard to call a song 'done' when you've probably thought about it at least once, ever single day, for years, but at the same time, in the end I am happy to see them go, so I can get on with the rest of my life. :Smug:

Look for the song that will end "Woods 3", the 15th track titled "Mistakes Artists Make (The Dream is Dead)". It touches on our process in Woods of Ypres, why we do it, how we feel about it, what it does to us and addresses our control over these beasts we create for ourselves. :kickass:
Look for the song that will end "Woods 3", the 15th track titled "Mistakes Artists Make (The Dream is Dead)". It touches on our process in Woods of Ypres, why we do it, how we feel about it, what it does to us and addresses our control over these beasts we create for ourselves. :kickass:

So this will be Woods of Ypres' "Whiplash"?

hotel rooms and motorways, life out here is raw,
we'll never stop we'll never quit cause we're Metallica...

Well, but a little more highbrow, methinks...

Well, all I know is Woods Of Ypres for me is one of those bands that just ifts you in a lot of ways, the sound, lyrics, style, everything pretty much. As far as the lyrics goes, for some reason they just kinda grab me, ya know? I know I probably sound stupid but I cant ever seem to go a day most of the time without listening to at least one song, songs like Allure of the Earth, gives me chills...(as the rest of the music does)

Allure of the Earth was the first song I was introduced to by my friend and I was blown away and wanted to hear more, thats when I heard The Will To Give. Both of those songs lyrically just kinda related to me and random ways, and thats always cool when stuff like that happens. Another cool line I would say would have to be from The Sun Was In My Eyes: Part One, "Forget the feeling of the changing of seasons/ Wishing that summer would go on forever/ How long it would get old/ Would you miss looking forward to when it starts to get cold." Simply amazing, to me that is.

Lyrics are hard for me I guess. Me and my friend are getting started on trying to start a band. I have to get better at guitar first but were getting started and as far as song lyrics, I gotta say its like how David put it. Its fun doing the whole brainstorming thing is fun when you have random ideas pouring out of your head. The hard part is putting it all together and stuff I guess, I still dont have a full song written down but I'm getting there I guess.

One thing me and my friend have found is that nature can bring out some cool ideas. I dont know if David does stuff like this, I figured he would by looking at some of his stuff. Say you're at a lake or something and get something like....."Beneath this frozen pond lies the pain that has left me tired and old/ I feel so numb, I feel so cold." That came out of no where so if you wonna laugh, please do :p