David Gold, Seoul South Korea, NECRAMYTH!!! (It's true!)

Dammit! I'm probably gonna be out in BC when this happens, ha. That's amazing though. None the less, hopefully I'll be able to catch WoY at some point, and I'm glad I'm not missing WoY, or else I'd cry, ha.
Cool. Knew about Seoul for a while now. :cool:

Have a bottle of Soju (Korean rot gut) :yuk: and a big plate of Sam Gup Sal & Pa Jan :headbang:
Here's a comment a guy posted in response to this news on our Myspace page:

The REAL Bill's Comment:

"What does this mean for Woods? Is the band on hiatus? Are you looking for a new singer/guitarist?

Or does David living in Korea have no affect on Woods of Ypres?"

I think this guy wants to try out! :)
liking this band. you look so passionate rocking away on those drums. How much are shows around there usually? i've been mulling over the past 4 years of exploring asia and the music scenes but the heat and the money. ugh, especially the heat. *was raised in a place where walking to school in - 20 in the winter was normal*
Korea and especially Daegu can get extremely hot in the summer. Fukuoka, Japan isn't too bad but there are thunderstorms.

liking this band. you look so passionate rocking away on those drums. How much are shows around there usually? i've been mulling over the past 4 years of exploring asia and the music scenes but the heat and the money. ugh, especially the heat. *was raised in a place where walking to school in - 20 in the winter was normal*
lol, are you likeing all the starcraft? =) I really like Necramyth! Is a release coming out soon? (unless one see is out and I just don;t see it)
We will be recording the new NECRAMYTH album later this spring and it will be released before this summer. I begin recording the drums in about a month, currently in training / rehearsal mode of all the new songs (btw - I am a fucking machine on the drums right now!!! Intense!!!). We rehearsed tonight in fact, and after some Korean "Fire Chicken", we went drinking at Korea's best metal bar "Judas or Sabbath" where WoY's "The Northern Cold" video is now in regular rotation on the big screen. They played it tonight while we were there. Funny to see many other random Korean metalheads doing air blastbeats and catching on to singing of the chorus at their tables, unknowing that the guy responsible sticks out like a sore thumb and sits only a few tables away. Strange stuff out here. I can only begin to explain it.
David, is the new Necramyth album will come out on Krankenhaus ?
What is your role in the band ( obviously drumming ! ) but are you also free to give suggestions
or put some ideas in the composition of the new songs ?
Anyway, can't wait to hear it !!!

VEILLKO :headbang:
The Black Death (WoY supporter - excellent man, I dig that tag!): I will have a hand in releasing the new NECRAMYTH album, but not under the Krankenhaus label. More info to come on that. I will have copies available to myself upon returning to Canada and they will most likely be available though all the same channels that WoY currently is. You'll hear about it. :)

Aside from drumming, I give my input about the songs and what I think we should do as a band. In fact, we get right fucking into it! Haha, we did tonight! In a good way though. As you can imagine, this is a very strange and cool experience. While trying to effectively communicate, we get into some pretty interesting conversations about metal and image and I get to learn a lot about people's differing perceptions from around the world.

I see my job as a drummer in this band is to always keep the feel moving in a forward, driving motion and to make things as crushing, interesting and dynamic as possible, whenever possible. Yet, I still play from a songwritters perspective. I can offer my suggestions, but ultimately, this is Pedro's band. Though he is usually very receptive to new ideas, he does have the final word on what we do. I say 'yes sir' and do what I'm asked, attitude free. :)

More as it develops! Thanks for your interest in this! I'm full of booze and underslept (which has been the theme of my time here really, I'd recommend it to anyone for at least a year!).

In Seoul,
David Gold - \w/
Yup. The common fate of an English teacher (lack of sleep coupled with an increase in alcohol consumption). So... what is your best Norae Bang Song? Forever by Stratovarius is mine.

The Black Death (WoY supporter - excellent man, I dig that tag!): I will have a hand in releasing the new NECRAMYTH album, but not under the Krankenhaus label. More info to come on that. I will have copies available to myself upon returning to Canada and they will most likely be available though all the same channels that WoY currently is. You'll hear about it. :)

Aside from drumming, I give my input about the songs and what I think we should do as a band. In fact, we get right fucking into it! Haha, we did tonight! In a good way though. As you can imagine, this is a very strange and cool experience. While trying to effectively communicate, we get into some pretty interesting conversations about metal and image and I get to learn a lot about people's differing perceptions from around the world.

I see my job as a drummer in this band is to always keep the feel moving in a forward, driving motion and to make things as crushing, interesting and dynamic as possible, whenever possible. Yet, I still play from a songwritters perspective. I can offer my suggestions, but ultimately, this is Pedro's band. Though he is usually very receptive to new ideas, he does have the final word on what we do. I say 'yes sir' and do what I'm asked, attitude free. :)

More as it develops! Thanks for your interest in this! I'm full of booze and underslept (which has been the theme of my time here really, I'd recommend it to anyone for at least a year!).

In Seoul,
David Gold - w/
I now have less than 100 days left in Seoul. For those like me, who are still interested in using the actual old fashioned postal mail system, I can be reached at the following address, should you want to contact me or send something along:

David Gold
Jeong-dong Bldg, 4th Floor
15-5 Jeong-dong, Jung-gu
Seoul, Korea, 100-120

(+ Yeah, I know, that's a lot of 'dongs'...)

Cheers + Maybe see you in the mail! :kickass:

In exile, 100 days left in Seoul,
David Gold. - \w/