Dawn patrol cover

You gotta admit that British sounds a tad more sophisticated. And they put the "u" in colour. Why the fuck did America decide to get rid of the "u" in those words. :lol:

well back when america was developing as a country, we had an influx of foreigners. many were german spanish irish and the like, and these languages/dialects started to mutate the language. alternate spellings and deffinitions started popping up everywere and in the midst of this linguistic chaos, Noah Webster published his first dictionary. he had already built a reputation for himself by authoring the majority of the grammar books used in America. Therefore, when his dictionary opted for more phonetic spellings rather than clinging to the old spellings that had been used since before the english pronunciation shifts, his "word became law."

all of this to say that Colour used to be pronounced with the "U" but when the english speaking aristocracy wanted English to sound 'prettier' like French (eugh) they started pronouncing words differently. the same thing happened to the word "knight" it used to be pronounced Ka-nee-g-t. but this spelling was preserved, presumably to differentiate from the homophonic word "night."

but anyway I always though that dave was kinda going for a half brittish accent in that song to begin with. notice that he doesn't pronounce the "r" in "forebode us"
I agree, it has the same groaning quality of the origional. asside from the slight difference in accent, I can barely hear a difference.
I agree, it has the same groaning quality of the origional. asside from the slight difference in accent, I can barely hear a difference.
I can nail the accent but not with the weird groany type talking, fucking hard :lol: Thanks nevertheless though! (And for the explanation about the letter "u", didn't know that).