Daylight Dies is getting nothing but AMAZING reviews.

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
Including at UM.

What's up with this band? I've only heard the one sample they have on their website. They seem good . . . but great, brilliant, and amazing don't come to mind. That's just from that one sample, though.

Should I just get this or what?

NOTE: Apparently I got this promo, and I sent it on to somebody else without listening to it.
i dug their debut EP, but No Reply not so much. im all about second chances these days, so perhaps i shall give them another shot
Nate The Great said:
NOTE: Apparently I got this promo, and I sent it on to somebody else without listening to it.

I don't know who you sent it to, though, since I was the one who sent my copy to Sam. Obviously it didn't do much for me. Otherwise, I would've kept it for myself. :tickled: But, yeah, you're right. It has been receiving stellar scores from almost all notable metal publications.