DC Cooper reunites with Royal Hunt

What you saw a couple of years ago was nothing like RH with DC in the band. I mean, sure, the set is going to be dominated by keyboard wankery, but a frontman as energetic as DC Cooper can make a huge difference.

I feel like the frontman wasn't the problem. He is a good singer and an energetic performer, the problem was the rest of the band. Because I don't -dis-like royal hunt in recording form, and was actually looking forward to seeing them. That's why I don't feel replacing the frontman is going to help them.

Now to be fair they did come in right on the ass end of DSO and Sabaton, both very difficult acts to follow up.
I feel like the frontman wasn't the problem. He is a good singer and an energetic performer, the problem was the rest of the band. Because I don't -dis-like royal hunt in recording form, and was actually looking forward to seeing them. That's why I don't feel replacing the frontman is going to help them.

Now to be fair they did come in right on the ass end of DSO and Sabaton, both very difficult acts to follow up.

I think their line-up now is awesome, Marcus on guitar, Andreas on bass, Allan or Keith on drums(whichever one's turn it is) Maria, and Kenny on backing vocals.
If they don't make a new album with DC Cooper, that would be a real shame. I hate 'reunions' for just a couple of live shows, and I've never liked the Silent Force albums.

then you must have never heard this album. it's one of the best power metal albums ever. his vocals are unmatched.

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I don't know if Silent Force's albums rank among the best, if only because the production is a bit cold. Cooper's vocals are too processed on those albums. They could make a really awesome album if they let someone like Tommy Hansen produce it.
I don't know if Silent Force's albums rank among the best, if only because the production is a bit cold. Cooper's vocals are too processed on those albums. They could make a really awesome album if they let someone like Tommy Hansen produce it.

yeah, because tommy hansen has more natural re-amp plug-ins for pro-tools, better drum tone samples and can auto tune more pitch perfect, right? hahahaha.

there are no un-processed albums in today's power metal scene it's a cold, digital, fake world.

bottom line is he is one of the greatest power metal vocalists, hands down regardless of what is on those albums. he proved it to me with Silent Force at PP.