ddrum triggers or drumagog?

Apr 18, 2006
would it be better to get the ddrum trigger to clip onto the bass drum and use that into the brain for samples, or to use a mic and then into drumagog?
i've always found my self wishing i had triggers to use with drumagog instead of microphones. i often have trouble with the snare tracks as really loud kicks will sometimes triger the snare, and really loud crashes. i have to play the song and take a cutting tool and just cut out what isnt snare hits, usually, to use drumagog on a snare track. times like those, wish i had a trigger. probably my next investment.
Get some ddrum triggers and plug em straight to your interface. then trigger from the trigger track. I've spent like 12 or more hours just editing to get drumagog to trigger right from microphone signals... I still have about 1/3 of job undone... Get the triggers, it'll be a nervesaver... and a timesaver...