DE PROFUNDIS - The Emptiness Within

Another 8/10 for 'The Emptiness Within' - this time by French webzine!

"Modeste offrande auto-produite dont on doit la découverte au défunt label Holy Records qui décida alors de la distribuer, Beyond Redemption dévoilait déjà un fort potentiel chez ce groupe au line-up international toutefois basé dans la Perfide Albion. Bien que maladroitement arrimé au Doom Death, se posant d'une certaine manière comme l'héritier d'une tradition britannique gravée par le triumvirat My Dying Bride/Paradise Lost/Anathema chère à certains de ses membres (partis depuis) issus de la formation de Funeral Doom Pantheist, la présence, certes éphémère, de Paul Westwood, futur batteur de To-Mera, était pourtant un indice quant à des véléités évolutives et anti-conformistes qui n'allaient pas tarder à exploser au grand jour, à s'affirmer comme une des lignes de force chez De Profundis.

A Bleak Reflection, trois ans plus tard, a confirmé ces atours d'une musique désormais définie comme de l'extrême progressif, étiquette informe collant à des explorateurs du son pour qui le death, le Black ou le Doom ne sont que le terreau propice à la création d'un art complexe à haute teneur technique et dont Opeth reste un des spécimens les plus plus évidents. On ne peut d'ailleurs s'empêcher de penser aux Suédois à l'écoute de "Release", un des neuf titres traversant The Emptiness Within, influence à laquelle le groupe injecte néanmoins des emprunts jazzy souvent étonnants. Mais ce ne sont pas les seuls.

Du coup, à l'instar de ses aînés, ce troisième album se révèle délicat à décrire, à enfermer dans une case pré-définie, ce qui est tout à l'honneur de De Profundis qui accouche, selon son habitude de compositions, sans doute moins tortueuses qu'à ses débuts mais toujours épiques, alambiquées, sombres, chargées en multiples arabesques. Le chant est caverneux, entre gorges profondes doomy et raclements Black ("Silent Gods") parfois plus clair ("This Wretched Plague"), se rapprochant alors du trop tôt disparu Without Face (précédent port d'attache de la chanteuse de To-Mera, d'ailleurs), la basse est ronde et groovy, les guitares tissent une toile dont chaque fil est une note mélancolique. Car en dépit de sa complexité, la partition jouée par le collectif n'est jamais vierge ni d'une tristesse sourde qui fait parfois plus qu'affleurer à la surface ("Delirium") ni d'une beauté qui éclate notamment lors de l'instrumental final, "Parallel Existence", sans doute le titre le plus progressif du lot.

Lorgnant de plus en plus vers ce qu'on pourrait nommer le "Techno Doom/Death" (?), De Profundis réussit le grand écart entre extrême et virtuosité technique, en brassant les genres pour aboutir à un art étonnemment fluide et des plus personnels, d'une richesse foisonnante." [Childeric Thor]

Link: - 74/100

"A Bleak Reflection, het vorige album van deze Britse progressieve extreme metalaars, kon ik best hebben. Geen hoogvlieger, gewoon een ongewoon plaatje met genoeg duurzaamheid om het tijdelijke in te wisselen tegen het eeuwige. Dit nieuwe album zal wellicht dezelfde kant opgaan. Het album werd opgenomen in de Davout Studios (AC/DC, The Rolling Stones, Ozzy Osbourne) in Parijs, de mastering gebeurde door Tim Turan (Emperor, Motörhead).

The Emptiness Within omschrijf je het best als extreme metal - opnieuw - want de variatie aan stijlen is te groot, enkel het extreme aspect is een constante factor. The Emptiness Within is ten opzichte van het vorige album minder doomend, het bezit eerder een gothic randje. In combinatie met de death metal en de progressieve passages moet ik dit ergens tussen Cradle of Filth en Opeth in plaatsen. De productie is gericht op de muzikaliteit en laat een heldere sound horen, waardoor de melodie en de bas steeds naar voor komt. Het brutale karakter van de band verslonst er wel danig door, waardoor de drukke en agressieve stukken wat rommelig overkomen (Silent Gods).

Algemeen bekeken is dit een plaatje die het moet hebben van zijn vooruitstrevende elementen, de atmosfeer en wat zogenaamde jazzy baslijnen. Het kent wel een extreme speelstijl, maar dat is eerder bijkomstig. Metal met meerwaarde." [Bart Alfvoet]

'The Emptiness Within' reviewed by and rated 8 out of 10!

"Dies ist das dritte Langeisen der Briten und doch meine erste Begegnung mit De Profundis, weshalb man es mir nachsehen mag, dass “The Emptiness Within” nicht sofort mein Herz erwärmt und meine Trommelfelle durchlöchert hat. De Profundis, das ist irgendwas zwischen Death und Black Metal und recht komplexem Progressive Metal, was schon suggeriert, dass das Songmaterial nicht immer einfache Kost darstellt. Ich habe bestimmt fünf Durchläufe von „The Emptiness Within“ benötigt um überhaupt einen ersten Zugang zum Sound und den Visionen der Engländer zu finden. Mittlerweile dürfte ich bei Rotation Nummer 15 angekommen sein und ich darf behaupten, dass die Combo sich mit jeder Minute Spielzeit weiter in Herz und Ohren gespielt hat. Weiter kategorisieren als ich bereits weiter oben versucht habe, lässt sich die Musik kaum, dafür klingt das Ganze zu sehr nach De Profundis und nichts anderem. Auf der anderen Seite werden Verehrer wie beispielsweise der frühen Opeth von diesem Langeisen kaum auf ganzer Linie enttäuscht werden können. Mir selbst stößt noch immer der fürchterliche Jazz-Part in „Release“ sauer auf, dafür werde ich aber von phänomenalen Gitarrenläufen, wundervollen melodischen Bridges, gelungenen Harmonien und purer, bösartiger Black Metal-Raserei, die eingebettet ist in intelligentes Songwriting der Marke „wir haben es drauf, aber wir lassen es nicht raushängen“, mehr als entschädigt. Hört euch mal die immens coolen Parts in „Twisted Landscapes“ oder das wuchtige Gebretter in „Parallel Existence“ an und ihr wisst was ich meine. Mein Fazit zu „The Emptiness Within“? Einfach empfehlenswert!"

'The Emptiness Within' rated 92/100 @! :hotjump::devil:

"De Profundis is a band that created ultra high expectations from the very beginning. Their self-released debut ‘Beyond Redemption’ (2007) happened to be such a seminal record that the London based international outfit immediately caught our attention. Technical skilled doom/death metal does not come our way every day, you know. The successor ‘A Bleak Reflection’ (2010) showcased a natural and engrossing evolution. Now, exactly two years after the predecessor, ‘The Emptiness Within’ will be available on the eleventh of May. This third studio effort gathers all new experience and inspiration of this accomplished five-piece.

For the first time they could work relax on new material with a consolidated line-up since two years. The rhythm section appeared to be a fine one and that makes a difference. Now we cannot longer put De Profundis in a pigeonhole, not even doom/death metal, and that’s not our purpose anyways. This is technical skilled music, progressive extreme music as the guys call it, with loads of elements from other (sub) genres. However, without getting lost in avant-garde alike exposures that invoke nothing but confusion for the listener: this is a fluent amalgamate of raucousness (death growls, black influences in guitars) and smoothly lovely interludes (acoustic guitars, clean chants, spoken fragments, prog-like soloing or jazzy intermezzos). You cannot think of anything whatsoever, but ‘The Emptiness Within’ has to offer it right away.

The album is a musical journey with a natural wastage. That is an important feature we can emphasize. Even if the technical skills of the musicians are beyond dispute, they write (lengthy) songs in which repetitive elements create a kind of catchiness. Fiery black/death passages pass into acoustic fragments or jazzy intermezzos when needed. This album also introduces clean vocals, a pro to add some solemn and captivating moments. Describing every song with all its details would end up in three pages, no one would bring up the patience to read this. That’s why we only have one advice: DO buy this album! It is a peerless gem coming from the London metropolis. With the extensive compositions ‘Delirium’, ‘Release’, ‘Dead Inside’ and ‘Unbroken (A Morbid Embrace)’ you will find yourself on the Himalaya of current extreme music with depth (much breaks with acoustic fragments as well). For ‘Twisted Landscapes’ they have shot a breath-taking video clip.

In despite of roots in the doom/death and black metal scene, this music does not sound grim, but fluent like lava coming out of a semi-awoken volcano, giving you some fireworks from time to time. Masterly!" [Vera]

One more great review of 'The Emptiness Within' online @! Rating is 4 out of 5 this time!

"It’s really cool when you find something that doesn’t perfectly fit into the box of any one genre. There are tons of bands out there you can describe as “pretty by-the-book death metal”, or “sound a lot like (insert favorite 80s/90s band here)”, but only a few that effectively combine a variety of influences into their own sound. De Profundis’ new record, The Emptiness Within, manages to accomplish just that-there are flashes of various influences from numerous bands, but never an out-and-out easy definition of their sound. There’s elements of metal old and new, from across a variety of subgenres, but it never feels mashed together-it manages to maintain a cohesive sound, no matter where it’s going.

The first thing I want to say is how impressive the performances are on this record. When you listen to a lot of metal (especially proggier stuff, like me), you become kind of dulled to hearing crazy technicality, but even then the sheer playing ability on this album blew me away. Bassist Arran McSporran’s fretless skills perfectly complement the music surrounding it, and I would think drummer Nick Tingle’s parts were programmed, they’re so spot-on, if they weren’t so consistently creative and catchy. Guitarists Roman Subbotin and Soikot Sengupta can sweep and shred all day, but prefer to play melodic riffs, leads and chords that evoke everyone from Chuck Schuldiner to Glenn Tipton/K.K. Downing. There’s enough raw technical talent here for these guys to be the next Obscura or Necrophagist, but they’re able to exercise enough self-restraint to put songwriting first; they seem aware that that totally ridiculous guitar solo has so much more impact if it doesn’t happen every 30 seconds.

When it comes to the songs themselves, they’re a surprisingly effective mixture of NWOBHM-style riffage and melody and the aggressive, rhythmic style of Florida death metal with some of that aforementioned German tech-death thrown in for good measure. “Delirium” takes you on a musical roller coaster ride across a menagerie of riffs and blasts, but keeps you strapped in at all times with its strong hooks and tight foundation. “Silent Gods” sounds like the band listened to Symphony X, thought it was pussy shit and decided to add guttural growls, rubber band-y bass and a high-speed kick drum. “This Wretched Plague”, together with late-album instrumental “Parallel Existence”, proves De Profundis can tackle soft, melodic passages with just as much aplomb as the brutal passages that follow. Throughout the album, the mix is appropriately clean and even-every instrument receives a top-shelf placement in the mix, leaving no bass lick or tom slam behind. If I have one criticism to make about the album, though, it’s that vocalist Craig Land’s clean vocals leave something to be desired. Though he usually leans on his confident and powerful growl, his singing on songs like “This Wretched Plague” feels weak and out of place. Dude might consider taking some vocal lessons if they plan to continue making it a part of their sound.

Overall, though, The Emptiness Within has a lot to offer fans of progressive metal who aren’t willing to sacrifice aggressiveness at the same time. It’s got dynamism, badass instrumentation and enough variety to keep you interested. In today’s climate of kids shredding on YouTube, it’s a wonder these five dudes from London aren’t bigger." [Ben Chipman]

Another new review online @!

"The Emptiness Within is the third album by this British-based metal band. De Profundis describe themselves as "Extreme Technical Metal". The definitions of the myriad metal sub-genres can be a bit of a minefield in which this reviewer is in danger of getting well out of his depth. So the best thing to do is just listen to the record and try to describe what it sounds like.

The album beings with a menacing instrumental 'From the Depths', little more than a slow-burning sequence of doom-laden chords. It serves as an extended intro to the first actual song, the seven-minute 'Delirium'. This starts with a galloping riff that could easily have been an early 1980s NWOBHM band but for the growling death-metal vocals. Three minutes in, the heaviness drops away with a delicate semi-acoustic interlude leading into a beautiful melodic solo, before building up to a shredding climax. The following number, 'Silent Gods' follows a very similar structure, and sets the tone for the rest of the album.

could easily have been an early 1980s NWOBHM band but for the growling death-metal vocals.

Craig Land's death-metal growls work well enough on the lower end, but aren't always totally convincing when he attempts to sing in a higher register; the occasional 'clean' passages in a fragile baritone work rather better, sounding like a more delicate version of Andrew Eldrich (Sisters of Mercy). But this album is really more about the guitars than the vocals, and the two lead guitars of Roman Subbotin and Shoi Sen deliver in spades, whether it's the great twin-guitar harmonies of 'Dead Inside', or the shredding acoustic solo on 'This Wretched Plague'.

There's a jazz-tinged edge in places, such as the intro to 'Release' and parts of the instrumental 'Parallel Existence'. The latter is a highlight of the album, building into a swirling symphonic metal tour-de-force complete with a bass solo. The album closes with the nine-minute epic of 'Unbroken (A Morbid Embrace)' which builds from a lengthy brooding intro, moving through swirling instrumental passages, ending in a delicate and atmospheric outtro

The music is certainly technically complex, although describing it as "extreme" is pushing things a little. Aside from the previously mentioned death-style vocals, the instrumentation is far closer to the classic metal of Iron Maiden than it is to someone like Meshuggah.

describing it as "extreme" is pushing things a little

There are tempo changes a-plenty. In many places it straddles the border between death metal and the progressive metal exemplified by mid-period Opeth, balancing brutal heaviness with moments of delicate beauty. The raw production gives something of a live-in-the-studio feel, although the very poor thudding drum sound is one of the album's weaknesses.

balancing brutal heaviness with moments of delicate beauty

So, a good album, if not quite a great one. De Profundis owe a clear musical debt to Sweden's Opeth, and there is more of the 90s 'Northern Doom' of Paradise Lost and My Dying Bride than just the rather gothier-than-thou song titles. But De Profundis still have enough identity of their own to avoid sounding like a derivative copy of any other band." [Tim Hall]

Another great review of 'The Emptiness Within', this time @ Spain's Noizz Webzine - rating is 8,5 out of 10!

"Con un magnífico artwork obra de Costin Chioreanu / Twilight 13 Media (MAYHEM, DARJTHRONE, ABSU) se presenta el nuevo trabajo de los británicos DE PROFUNDIS, el tercero en su carrera desde su formación en 2005. Una banda que se podría considerar como Metal Extremo Progresivo como deja bien claro en este “The Emptiness Within” que ha sido co-producido por Fernando Pereira (MISANTHROPE) y mezclado en los Studios Davout (AC/DC, THE ROLLING STONES, OZZY OSBOURNE), con la masterización de Tim Turan (EMPEROR, MÖTORHEAD). Vamos, que si te va la música extrema y técnica este álbum promete de verdad.

Sin duda la seña característica en DE PROFUNDIS es esa riqueza musical que saben combinar con los sonidos extremos, de ese modo se acercan a estructuras propias del Rock Progresivo e incluso del Jazz, pero con una personalidad extrema y oscura más relacionada con el Death Metal. Y aunque hoy en día estas osadías sonoras ya no sean una novedad sí que lo es el hecho de conseguir unos resultados tan interesantes como los que consiguen DE PROFUNDIS en este nuevo álbum, siendo un disco que te hace volar la imaginación por oscuros mundos y enriquece tu camino con matices y cambios originales. Un álbum variado en el que encontrar desde voces extremas hasta melodías de guitarra, pasajes armoniosos, melancólicos y también momentos perturbadores o épicos. Muchas sensaciones para un trabajo de lo más completo que además suena muy bien, pudiendo disfrutar de cada instrumento con nitidez.

Lo dicho, “The Emptiness Within” es un disco más que recomendable para quienes sigan la música extrema con fuertes deslices de rollo Progresivo y Técnico, siendo exigentes con los acabados y la calidad de las composiciones. Puede que no sean los más extremos ni los más técnicos, tampoco los más enrevesados o bizarros, pero tienen una personalidad bien definida y dominan la materia."

Hungary's Femforgacs webzine rated 'The Emptiness Within' 9/10! :headbang::headbang:

"Gondolom az együttes nevét olvasva sokaknak tör elő valami emlék a szürkeállományuk zenére fenntartott részlegéből. No igen, megkisebbedett hazánkban is van egy duó ezzel a névvel, de Francia honban is alakult csapat ezen nevet választva magának. Emellett a Vader együttes is ezt a címet aggatta második lemezének, csakúgy, mint ahogy tette azt másik tizenhárom együttes valamelyik saját korongjánál. A klasszikus zenét kedvelők és ismerők pedig Liszt Ferenc első komolyabb zongoraversenyére gondolnak, amit nem csak azért említek meg, mert tavaly jubileumi éve volt, hanem mert nagyszerű zenemű, noha befejezetlen maradt. És a végére hagytam a legfrissebb elmlékindukátort, a Rotting Christ 2011. május elsejei Club 202-es koncertjét. Ott élőben is elcsíphette jelen írásom brit csapatát a zeneestre időben érkező metalfan.

A The Emptiness Within a csapat harmadik nagylemeze, így már rosszindulatból sem nevezhetőek kezdőknek. Maximum útkeresőknek; ugyanis kezdetben inkább a doom lassú lépteivel járták a nehéz fém kárhozatra ítélt erdejét, amit a black metal sötétje trágyázott meg később. Mára mindehhez pár hektárnyi friss telepítésű death, egy írtásnyi progresszív rock, kis zugnyi jazz és egy bodzásnyi heavy metal adódott. Ha meg azt is figyelembe vesszük, hogy megfordultak már 22 országban és nem csak mint turisták, és olyan nevek előtt szerepeltek, mint az Iron Maiden, vagy a Lacuna Coil, akkor már joggal biccenthetünk reményekkel telve az új lemez kapcsán. Persze csak akkor, ha nyitottak vagyunk a black/death gyökerű zenei egyvelegre.
A dalok a zenei összetettség és témák alapos kifejtegetése végett hosszúnak mondhatóak, hiszen az első, kedvcsinálónak szánt ál-instrumentális tételt leszámítva majd’ hét perces átlaggal bírnak. És egy cseppet sem üresek, unalmasak, sablonosak. Sokkal inkább használnám a meglepő, szórakoztató és egyedi jelzőket, ha jellemezni akarnám a hallottakat.

Illik pár szót ejteni egy lemezkritikánál a zenészek teljesítményéről is. Itt könnyű dolgom lesz, hiszen a nagyszerű dalok mellett csupán egy ember miatt szerettem bele ennyire a The Emptiness Within korongba. És meglepő módon nem az Amon Amarth torokzsenire, Johan Heggre emlékeztető vokalista, Craig Land győzött meg, sem pedig a gitárjain oly’ magabiztosan játszó Roman Subbotin és Soikot Sengupta. De még a dobokat kellő fantáziával, gyorsasággal és technikával püfölő Nick Tingle is csak háttérmunkás maradt a hathúros fretlessén pihenő nélkül virgázó Arran McSporran basszerosnál. Ez a fószer eszméletlen. Igaz, keverésnél előre is tolták rendesen. Joggal, mondanom sem kell. A dalok ívét nem egyszer ez a háttérhangszer határozza meg, ami nem megszokott sem a death, sem pedig a black műfajában. Olyan messze elkóricál néha a vezérdallamtól, hogy a hallgatónak olyan érzése támad, hogy felvételkor talán nem is ugyanazt a zenét hallotta a fülén, mint ami alá később felkeverték. Nem ragozom tovább, amúgy is lehet, hogy Baathory kisasszonyon kívül eleve nem is érdekel mást, de megjegyzem, hogy nem véletlenül kellett neki két húrral több a gitárjára.

A szerteágazó behatások miatt nem említenék meg egy együttest sem, mint hasonló zenét játszót, vagy mint inspirálót, de azt gondolom illene megindokolnom, hogy miért nem kaphat nálam tíz pontot a lemez. Először is előfordul, hogy egy-egy dallam túl egyszerű és ehhez képest túlhangsúlyozott. A hangjegyek tengerében való fürdőzésben a másik lábra kötött kő a nem túl tiszta ének és a túlkárogott torokzengés párosa. Én a helyükben egyiket sem erőltetném nagyon. A hörgés viszont, mint már tettem rá félreérthetetlen célzást, nagyon befogadható.
A lemezborító szép, a zenei stílusnak teljesen megfelelő. Csak az a fránya zenekarnév ne lenne ennyire görcsös. Olyan, mint egy részeg medúza, aki nem vette észre, hogy belekeveredett egy műszakban lévő jégtörő radarernyőjébe és ezt azóta már nagyon megbánta. Olyan semmitmondó és annyira nem illik a zenéhez, hogy az egyből grafikusért kiált.
A lemez keverési munkáit egyébként abban a párizsi stúdióban tették (név szerint a Studios Davoutban), amelyet előtte nem kisebb zenekarok használtak már, mint az AC/DC, Ozzy Osbourne és a Rolling Stones. A masterezést Tim Turan végezte, aki dolgozott már az Emperornak és a Motorheadnak is. Kell-e mondanom ezek után, hogy a lemez úgy dörren ahogyan kell, zörren ahol kell és tökéletesen csendül, pendül, zendül, dobban, kattan, zizzen, csörren ott, ahol arra van szükség.

A zenei kutyulmányok iránt fogékonyaknak és a középidős Vintersorg lemezeket (Visions from the Spiral Generator, The Focusing Blur) kedvelő zenebolondoknak, valamint minden újdonságot és inspirációt kereső zenészeknek bátran merem ajánlani, maximum nem értenek majd egyet velem és csak bámulnak írásomra, hogy ezt komolyan gondolta, vagy csak illuminált volt? Én mindenesetre csak gratulálni tudok a srácoknak, szép munka!" [bahon]

French fans don't miss interviews with DE PROFUNDIS on the current issue (#71) of Metallian Magazine!


For further info:
New review of 'The Emptiness Within' by DE PROFUNDIS online @ Auxportesdumetal Webzine (France)! Rating is 17/20! :hotjump::hotjump:

"De Profundis nous vient du Royaume-Uni. Le combo, formé en 2005 et déjà auteur de deux albums (Beyond Redemption en 2007 et A Bleak Reflection en 2010), nous propose un Metal Extrême Progressif très convaincant.
The Emptiness Within est donc le troisième opus de la formation.

Entrons immédiatement dans l'album.

Passée l'intro mystérieuse, atmosphérique (From The Depths...), Delirium nous entraîne, après un début rapide et incisif, dans un titre à la croisée des styles, avec des riffs empruntés assez fréquemment au Black Metal, une variation de tempi (avec quelques cassures de rythme bien amenées), des aspects heavy. De Profundis n'est pas un groupe qui part dans une seule direction. Ainsi, on trouvera des passages délicats, des soli somptueux, des vocaux clairs parlés et plaintifs, bien dans cette ambiance mélancolique.
Non, décidément, De Profundis n'est pas du genre à s'enfermer dans un style. Ainsi, Silent Gods ne reste pas cantonné aux éléments issus du Black en matière de riffs mais conserve cette tristesse, lorsque l'atmosphère s'assombrie, laissant alors apparaître ces vocaux parlés caractéristiques. La variation des approches vocales, cette diversité de tempi, la puissance ou la délicatesse, c'est la marque de fabrique du combo. Eléments Techno-Death (guitare "tournoyante"), heavy (certains riffs peuvent rappeler Iron Maiden), passages atmosphériques ou speed, ce titre est assez énorme... mais sur cet album, il est loin d'être le seul !
This Wretched Plague commence doucement, la mélodie s'installe, la basse est bien présente, la tristesse ressort de la guitare, puis ce sont les aspects habituels de la musique du groupe qui nous sont proposés, avec ces fluctuations stylistiques qui montrent que le combo est ouvert à tout, le Prog, le Death, une certaine propension à développer des ambiances dans une optique proche du Doom... mais qui ne part jamais totalement dans cette direction. Une basse aux intonations jazzy, un chant clair (moyennement assuré, même s'il traduit la tristesse) qui s'invite ensuite, la musique de De Profundis accroche l'oreille !

A ce stade de la chronique, on constatera que les contrastes sont souvent saisissants au sein de The Emptiness Within, entre les moments calmes, planants et ceux speed, qui partent vers l'agressivité (mais jamais la violence, la mélodie étant toujours un point fondamental ici).
Le passage de l'un à l'autre, contrebalancé par le mid-tempo, fait que le terrain est plutôt balisé mais jamais il n'engendre l'ennui, le groupe ayant le don de rendre sa musique attachante.

Allez, on poursuit avec Twisted Landscapes qui part de façon bien dynamique, avec des riffs entêtants et cet aspect technique bien présent mais jamais rébarbatif. Des choeurs discrets mais efficaces, bien intégrés, sont un ajout très positif.
Release nous apporte un côté très prog, plus que sur les autres titres, et puis il y a ce passage instrumental catchy, avec cette guitare qui entre en tête pour ne plus la quitter !
Dead Inside lui succède, il inclut de nouveau un passage bien accrocheur, avec un magnifique solo.
Puis c'est Parallel Existence, un titre instrumental, qui nous est proposé. Début somptueux, typé Rock Progressif, atmosphérique, tout en retenue, posé... puis la puissance reprend ses droits, mais toujours dans une optique profondément mélodique. On a de nouveau un passage lorgnant vers le Jazz (cette approche est vraiment intéressante, peut-être serait-il bien de développer cette particularité lors de la conception du prochain album). Au sein de Parallel Existence, on retrouve bien sûr toutes les variations s'appliquant aux autres compos.
Enfin, c'est Unbroken (A Morbid Embrace) qui, du haut de ses neuf minutes, prend possession de nos oreilles. Le début est très glauque, puis on repart dans ces contrées habituelles, bannissant toute linéarité.

Avec Emptiness Within, De Profundis a enfanté un album très plaisant, qui nécessite plusieurs écoutes pour y entrer intégralement et saisir toutes ses subtilités.
La musique pratiquée se révèle mélodique, sombre, la variation des tempi et des atmosphères est fréquente, la technique instrumentale est impeccable, on trouve des éléments empruntés au Prog, au Death, au Black, au Heavy, au Doom ou au Jazz, au service d'un ensemble cohérent, inspiré et, cerise sur le gâteau, parfaitement produit.
Bref, je vous recommande chaudement de découvrir The Emptiness Within!" [fifi59]

Another cool review of 'The Emptiness Within': 8 out of 10 @! :kickass::kickass:

"So apparently this band from the UK just decided to release what can best be described as a mixture of the greatest parts of Opeth and Quo Vadis. That's a pretty awesome combination if you ask me.

De Profundis formed back in 2005 and have since managed to garner quite a following. They have a few full-lengths to their name, a pretty extensive touring history, and most recently, a major label contract thanks to Kolony Records.

Touching back on the Opeth comparison, The Emptiness Within is more like Blackwater Park's younger, but much crazier, sister. She likes to go out every night and hit up the clubs, get super drunk, drop a couple happy pills, dance her pants off and take home random strangers to cap off a fun-filled evening. She doesn't have the same level of couth as her older sister, but that doesn't mean she's an unpleasant person to be around.

Basically what I'm trying to say is this is a more exciting and up-beat version of what Opeth sounded like more than a decade ago. The pace and overall instrumental goodness helps break the monotony of transferring back and forth between "awesome death metal" and "prog wankery". And then those Quo Vadis moments come in. The greatest similarity this album has to the Canadian melodic tech-death masters is the songwriting. The songs are well-crafted and somewhat playful, but the musicians' professionalism keeps it from becoming some kind of lighthearted affair.

So you have your time signature changes, your outstanding musicianship, quality death metal growls with clean chants scattered throughout, enticing compositions, intensity, consistency, and it's catchy. And for lack of a better term, you can file it under "extreme technical metal" or something. So... you have an album that could easily find itself being enjoyed by the majority of metal fans." [Troy Killjoy]

New review of 'The Emptiness Within' online @ Don't Count On It Reviews Blog, rating is 8/10!

"I first heard of De Profundis back around the time they were putting out 2010's A Bleak Reflection, maybe a little while before that. I remember really enjoying that album a lot when it first came out and it was one of those albums that really grew on me every time I listened to it, which, while it may not be the most fun thing, makes a better and longer lasting impression. While I can't say I was overly hyped on this album, when I finally heard it, I knew it was gonna be good.
I guess to start off I think I should say that these guys have definitely come a long way from their first full-length, 2007's Beyond Redemption, which I know wasn't that long ago, but in terms of how the band's sound has evolved, it's been quite a while. If you listen to that album, or A Bleak Reflection, the band were, at their core, a doom metal band. On that debut full-length it was a whole lot more obvious, but on their sophomore release, they definitely broadened their scope through the influence of progressive rock, fusion, and more straight ahead death and black metal. This new album is the first time I guess you could say they've moved past being a more doom oriented band. There is a much wider array of styles explored on this album, I mean, the band essentially open the album, after the obligatory intro track, with a black metal song. Sure, Delirium, it's not a traditional, kvlt, black metal song and there's a jazz breakdown in the middle of it, but it's a lot faster than most of the band's previous material. When listening to the rest of the album, there is a much higher degree of a black metal influence, which I obviously don't mind, and is certainly a welcome change in pace for the band.
Though the higher influence coming in from black metal is most certainly welcome, the other influence that stuck out to me right away was the larger influx of ideas coming in from jazz and fusion. Though the band is no stranger to utilizing ideas from those genres, I found that they come out a lot more often on this album, especially around the half-way mark of the album. Tracks like Twisted Landscapes and Release feature some of the more obvious traits from those genres, but they're not just thrown in at random and are integrated well with the more aggressive metal riffing. I can't say that it's become, or is becoming, a staple for the band, but they once again have an instrumental, in the form of Parallel Existence, which highlights their more progressive and jazzy side, as it did on their last album. You have no idea how disappointing it can be when you hear a band attempt to pull off more progressive ideas in their music, and it just sounds, not only lame, but contrived. Like they're just trying to sound technical or weird for the sake of it, instead of actually liking those sort of ideas. That's not the case with these guys.
Personally, one of the biggest qualms I had with the band's last album was the mixing of it. I mean, all the guys in the band can obviously play well, but the bass was just mixed so loud in the mix; and sure, I like to hear the bass on a record, but it was loud enough to where that and the vocals were always the focus of my attention whenever I put it on. This album has a much more balanced mix to it, the bass is still clear in the mix, but is nowhere near as overpowering. The band still have those jazzy bass solos on here as well, which I think is a very nice trait that they've carried on with this album. Along with that, the band have also brought in more clean vocals as well, which I also find to be a nice addition to their sound. I can't say that they're the best vocals, but, seeing as I think this is the first time the band has really made use of singing as more than just a back-up vocals or the occasional line here or there, I think they were pretty well done. They actually kind of reminded me a bit of Paul Kuhr of Novembers Doom a little bit.
Overall, I think it's a solid album and it's nice to see the band advancing forward with some noticeable changes in style, and ones that they can actually pull off. I don't know how fans of the first album will react to this album, it isn't like a total left-turn, but it is still different enough to give some fans some difficulty, so I guess only time will tell if this was a successful release or not. I'd say check it out if you're into more progressive forms of extreme metal, whether it's doom, black, or death, even thrash to an extent, I think you'll find something on here to enjoy." [Ian]

New review of 'The Emptiness Within' online @ UK's webzine The Modern Alternative - check it out!

"De Profundis' secret is a strangely kept one, it is difficult to see how their talents have continued to elude the attentions of the audiences for so long. The forthcoming third album continues their evolution through rock, many of the metal sub-genres and way beyond, reaching into areas of jazz. Extreme and dark progressive metal with a great variety of doom, death, melody and hooks. The band have a great habit of reminding me of several of my favourite metal bands, but without actually sounding like them, still retaining their own individual appeal. This album is perfectly executed with such a high level of complex musicianship and varied vocal delivery, including some of the best bass guitar and deep guttural vocals that I have heard in some time. An astounding World class album, full marks." [Alex]

'The Emptiness Witin' rated 13/15 by!

"Mit grossem Interesse und einer Spur Neugier hörte ich mich in diesen Longplayer hinein. Gespannt was die fünf Musiker auf dem Kasten haben war ich auf alle Fälle. Schliesslich spielten De Profundis schon International an grossen Konzerten mit, unter Anderem am Bloodstock Openair. Als Supporting Act von Iron Maiden und als Tour- Partner von Rotting Christ konnten sie ihr Können unter Beweis stellen. Produziert wurde das dritte Album "The Emptiness Within" von Fernando Pereira (Orakle, Misanthrope).

Musikalisch sind die Briten nicht leicht einzuordnen. Ihre Einflüsse reichen von Heavymetal über Rock bis zum Jazz. Technisch sind die Jungs sehr versiert. Die Songs sind sehr abwechslungsreich, mal schnelle Parts zum Abrocken dann wieder eher atmosphärische Einlagen wie man sie etwa auch bei Opeth hören kann. Alles in Allem eine solide Progressive Leistung auf einem gut produzierten Album. Der Gesang erinnert mich zum grössten Teil ein wenig an die Band Hate. Doch muss ich gestehen dass mich der doch auf weiten Längen monotone Gesang von Craig Land nach einiger Zeit ziemlich langweilt, welches man ihm aber verzeihen darf. Das Album prügelt euch trotzdem garantiert den Schweiss aus den Poren.

Für Freunde des extremen Progressive Metal ist diese Scheibe schon fast ein Muss. Man wird von Spielfreude und von der Abwechslungsreichheit überflutet. Ein starkes und solides drittes Album der fünf Musiker ist euch garantiert.

Der Release der Scheibe ist für die UK am 7. Mai und für den Rest Europas am 11. Mai angekündigt.

Am RockHarz Festival werden De Profundis auftreten, welches in Ballenstedt D zwischen dem 12. Juli und 14. Juli stattfinden wird. Das Offizielle Video zum Song This wretched plague aus der neuen Scheibe könnt ihr euch unter dem Link reinziehen." []

New review online, 78/100 by Italian webzine Metal of Death!

"Terzo album per gli inglesi di Londra De Profundis, band attiva dal 2005 e già con un ragguardevole pedigree in quanto a live performances, supportando i tours di bands come Iron Maiden e Rotting Christ!
L’ascolto dell’album non delude le aspettative e si capisce chiaro e tondo che questi DP non sono un gruppo di “raccomandati”, buoni solo per i soldi che ci mette qualcuno.
No, il quintetto londinese ci sa fare: prende una serie di riffs death, death melodico e black in minor parte e li riempie del proprio tocco personale aggiungendo un gusto melodico piacevole e riuscito, a volte grintoso, altre volte più pacato e sognante, ma per la maggior parte debitore alla melodia e alle capacità tecniche, talmente tanto da riuscire a proporre in un paio di occasioni anche delle interessanti digressioni jazz.

Un quadro musicale dunque ricco e ben variopinto, che non mancherà di stupire l’ascoltatore che non disdegna la melodia e che si ritroverà ad ascoltare l’originalità di “Delirium”, che unisce l’impatto di certi Opeth più violenti alla poliedricità dei Novembre, i richiami anche ai Moonspell di “Silent gods”, l’orecchiabilità di “Twisted landscapes” non a caso scelta come canzone da video, e l’impatto di “Release”. Il tutto condito con una vivacità ritmica e globale che non fa che impressionare positivamente sul risultato finale i palati più avvezzi al metal più progressivo e melodico, anche se estremo.

Difetti ce ne sono in realtà, ma non minano la riuscita globale di un album ben fatto e completo. Per esempio, la troppa carne al fuoco sembra a volte appesantire un disco di qualità buona ma forse a volte un po’ ridondante, mentre altre volte è il minutaggio dei brani che si fa sentire, praticamente sempre superiore a 5:13 a parte l’intro. Ok che si tratta di un cd influenzato dal progressive, quindi difficilmente si avranno brani corti, ma forse un piccolo sfrondamento del songwriting è auspicabile per perfezionare il tutto.

A parte questo, il cd è da indirizzare agli amanti del progressive metal estremo come un buon esempio di rappresentazione di questi generi. Anche gli amanti di altri generi metal più open minded possono, secondo me, provare a dare un ascolto. Non dovrebbero restarne delusi." [Snarl]

Check out this new interview with singer Craig Land @ Lethal Conflict!

London based De Profundis is a band that has created huge expectations from the very beginning in UK metal scene. Their self-released debut Beyond Redemption (2007) was pretty impressive show of force and skill.
The successor A Bleak Reflection (from 2010, on Kolony Records) showcased a natural and engrossing evolution of their blend of technical death/doom metal with blackend progressive elements.
Now, exactly two years after the predecessor, The Emptiness Within will be available worldwide on May 2012 (again on Kolony Records). This third studio effort continues their evolution through rock and many of the metal sub-genres and way beyond, delivering a one solid mass of progressive metal of darker veriety.

Vocalist Craig Land answered the questions.

Few weeks and your third album "The Emptiness Within" will be released on Kolony Records, so the obvious question that what's next for the band?
Craig: We’re on the road promoting the album as much as possible. We’ll also be shooting a promo video for the song „Twisted Landscapes” in June. We are building a new studio at the moment, so we will begin writing the next album when that’s done, which will be in the Summer.

Everyone has occasional moments when your band starts to taste like a stale job. What you do when those times come on your path?

Craig: Being in a band is a bit of a rollercoaster. Usually when we feel down about some aspect of the business, something will come along to lift our spirits and remind us why we do it.

I know that active musicians can't have holidays, but if you would have chance to spend two weeks without band worries, which option you would pick: Olympic football tournament in London or UEFA European Football Championship in Poland & Ukraine? (Yes, Brits, soccer, yes)
Craig: Does anyone care about football at the Olympics? I don’t. The UEFA championship actually means something. Besides, I live close to the Olympic venues in East London, so it wouldn’t be much of a holiday, so I would much rather visit Poland and Ukraine.

How the process for this album went, as far I have understood, you managed to get all done within the original timelines you had set earlier?
Craig: Yes. We recorded most of the album at our own studio, so could work whenever we needed to to get the album done in the time we set for ourselves. Some of the parts took longer to record than anticipated due to them being quite technical, but in those cases we just put in long hours to get it done.

Where the albums name "The Emptiness Within" came from?
Craig: We struggled to come up with a name and it just sounded cool so we went with it.

What kind of procedure it is to bring this album sound into live setting? Are you pain in the ass for any sound engineers running sound systems in the gigs?
Craig: We don’t do anything special or different to how we have always approached shows. There are some very subtle synths on the album which we don’t do live, but otherwise we just make sure we are well rehearsed for a show so that we can do the best job possible – even when the sound is poor.

You just scored a gig in sweden, any plans to taste the Swedish delicacy of fermented herring (surströmming) while there?
Craig: Definately not!

Do you sleep better at night when you know that you have booking agency handling all the gig hassle?
Craig: No – we certainly don’t just leave them to get on with things. We are always actively working to get shows as we have always done, and we still get stressed out and fed up with the behind-the-scenes politics.

Looks like UK government is abandoning ABSO's. Do you miss them, did the band members collected any of them?
Craig: I don’t think they did much anyway. Criminals wore them as a badge of honour! The government is very soft here, and that’s one reason why the society is a mess. None of us have collected any ASBO’s, but if we had it would be nothing to be proud of.

I was reading Alex Scarrow's Last Light, a novel about peak oil and what would happen in Londonstan in case of little oil supply problems. I do not want to dwell into your political stances, but do bands members share the same page when it comes politics?
Craig: No, we don’t. We don’t speak about politics much as it has little relevence to us as a band, although some of us are more interested in politics than others.

If would need to play a cover song from limited number of bands, which band/song you would pick if the ONLY choices would be between Amon Amarth, Anata, Edge of Sanity and Hypocrisy. Do you play any cover songs on regular basis?
Craig: Edge Of Sanity are the only one of those that I like, so it would be them. It would be taking the piss to play „Crimson” due to it’s length, but it is a masterpiece. I’d probably pick „Enigma...” from the „Unorthodox” album as that would sit quite well in our set. We have done a few covers in the past – most recently „Electric Eye” by Judas Priest.

There has been few reports here and there about how big (American) labels will phase out CD all together and from 2013 onwards all (American) mainstream music will be more or less itunes/ipod/iphone/ietc only. Do you see this monopoly scheme as a blessing or rather a threat?
Craig: Most mainstream music is disposable rubbish, so it is suited to the digital format. It has no substance, so why bother with the physical form? I won’t buy digital music and I don’t count a collection of mp3’s as a collection of anything. Real music lovers will always demand the physical thing, with the artwork, lyrics etc.

How the summer 2012 is looking for you gig/festival wise?
Craig: We’ve got a few shows in the UK, Netherlands, Sweden, and then Rockharz Festival in Germany. We’re talking to people about a European tour at the end of the year.

Anything to add?
Craig: Support music by buying it and going to shows otherwise you will be left with only reality tv „music” – and nobody wants that.

New review 4/5 online @!

"De Profundis is a work in progress, and what was once a smooth, fluid progression has now become a drunken stumble forward. Their third album, The Emptiness Within, which boasts the longest track list and shortest song lengths, continues to see this band pull away from their blackened doom beginnings. Maybe in the long run it was a mistake to label them at all. The band’s second effort saw the boys broadening their horizons and now The Emptiness Within sees the band continuing that trend, but at what cost?

If you are coming into this album as the first exposure you’ve had to De Profundis, then boy, is this album going to knock your boots off! This album is the perfect blend of a few key genres that these guys pull together with precision to craft beautiful melodies and epic songs. With black metal being the predominant sound here, the band uses it as a backbone and then throws in death metal and even what sounds to me like a small dose of Viking metal to sweeten the pot, which is completely new for this band. De Profundis don’t even stick to one style of black metal. Not only can they pull off a progressive style with mid-tempo soaring harmonies and classic guitar shredding but they can also switch over to in-your-face, blast beaten driven black metal as well.

The tunes on this disc focus in on song structure, melody and a layering of guitar sound, all of which lends to some pretty intricate, yet catchy songs. You may be aware that the band is singing about despair and loathing but they make it sound so attractive. My initial instinct when listening to this was that the overall tone made The Emptiness Within seem very soothing, almost as if the listener was reflecting in on their own soul. Even when the tempo is high and the snare drum is blasting away, the listener never really gets a sense of aggression and angst.

The band also enjoys the frequent use of a clean sounding guitar, which only adds to the soothing component of this record. I do enjoy how predominate the bass is in the mix and really like that the bass sometimes carries certain songs at certain points. The bassist has a style and sound similar to bands such as Obscura and Augury.

Altogether, this album is solid and a definite listen for fans of these genres; however, if you have been a long time fan since the Beyond Redemption days, then you may not even recognize this band at all. Gone are the slow, droning tempos and lumbering vocals. Nowhere can you find a gritty, slow-tempo guitar solo over a hulking, beefy rhythm section. The sound is cleaner, the production slicker and the songs shorter and more appealing to the modern metal listener. This can only be expected with more money to spend on production. This can even be expected with the new genres that the band employs and experiments with, but at what point does creativity and experimentation hinder the soul of a band?

Original fans will scoff at the clean vocals and the lack of grit. What seems like a soothing, mellow album to some will seem like a lack of passion and personality to others. What seems like an experimental and progressive album to one will sound like a hum-drum recycled thought to another. The band had successful forward progress with A Bleak Reflection, effectively pulling in some new sounds while keeping the same intensity, aggression and creed that they set out with. Now it’s as if they lost their way. They know where they want to go, but aren’t quite sure how to get there, and because of that, they missed a few turns along the way." [Kevin Juliff ]
