dead lioness

Oct 13, 2003
NL - Gelderland

kun je mij vertellen waarom je naar amerika bent verhuist?
(tenminste dat was toch zo?)

want ik wil eigenlijk hier weg, aangezien mijn ex die er met een goede vriend vandoor is gegaan, mij zwart heeft gemaakt bij veel van mijn vrienden...ook mooi om daar achter te komen...

maar ik wil hier weg en aangezien ikde engelse taal aardig beheers zat ik te denken om naar amerika te gaan voor in ieders geval 1jaar alleen ik weet niet zo goed hoe ik moet beginnen

is het slim om er gewoon naar toe te gaan en verder wel te zien???

grtz Niels
dude..... let me show you something

Fuck Dutch, I always think I can understand because I know English and German but the pronunciation is horrendous. :)

Anyway, are you saying you want to go to America because one of your friends is gone or something?
Ik zou zeggen: don't go there! Nederland is op alle punten beter dan Amerika om in te wonen.

Daarnaast dacht ik dat ik een van de enige Nederlanders hier was! Ook hallo dan maar.

hey screw you buddy! What did my mom ever do to you?!
is het slim om er gewoon naar toe te gaan en verder wel te zien???

Hey Niels,

Short answer: no. Don't know why you posted this in Dutch, since there may be decent advice to be had from Americans here, anyway, but just so the rest can understand, I figure I'll do this in English. If you mean to go there and make a living for yourself, arrange for two things (at least): a work permit (apply at the Consulate in Amsterdam) and a foothold from where you can start off, friends or relatives who may be able to help you find a job and can put you up for some time, while you get things sorted on the other side. Also, a wad of cash to cover the job-less period (may be a requirement to bring a certain amount, as well as having a return trip ticket).

I spent 8 years in Seattle, and had a blast (in part due to Sanctuary and Nevermore), but only managed that since I worked for the University of Washington, and had the right customs paperwork and housing prepared upfront on a separate trip, before moving. I'm sure it would have been a lot tougher without having that financial and social (work environment is a good starter, in that sense) backing. And be prepared for a much tougher life out there than the relatively secure environment we live in, here. The biggest shock to me in that sense was the poverty - hadn't expected it to be that bad, and as a newbie you're more likely to end up there than in a Bill Gates type of success story... Personally, I'd still be there if it wasn't for having kids, but then I had a good job with decent pay and insurance (don't go there without decent health care insurance!), and all. Didn't want them growing up in even a relatively civilized part of the US.

Besides all that, you may want to re-evaluate your reason for wanting to leave here - if those are really your friends, why the crap would they believe garbage those two spread about you? No reason for any rash decisions, I'd say - I felt like doing that in a similar situation once, and am glad I didn't.

But then, that's just my advice...

Ge kunt zomaar niet naar Amerika emigreren hoor kerel. Daarvoor hebt ge een Green Card nodig. Trouwens, het is "verhuisd" ;)

Heejeh, effe dimmen, Belgenmans, wij hebben lekker het laatste Groot Dictee gewonnen! :p
whahaha didnt expect this thread to be such a succes :p well ok i will think about it, but last night happened gets all, i went to the city for a good PALM!! beer :p and i encounter my exgirlfriend i say i hope you guys have a nice relationship and wish you a lot of luck in it for real.

and the first thing she does is call the police that were in the neighbourhood and tells them i was disturbing her. so i get send away by the police... :|


after that i went to the pub and drank alot of beer!!

im so hopeless....

and ok i will think twice for doing rational things

but god damned what is this woman a bitch, a manipulating whore
oh and sorry guys for posting in dutch i was so upset my english wouldnt work :p

oh and thnx for that private message tip i will try to remember it when im not so upset

kun je mij vertellen waarom je naar amerika bent verhuist?
(tenminste dat was toch zo?)

want ik wil eigenlijk hier weg, aangezien mijn ex die er met een goede vriend vandoor is gegaan, mij zwart heeft gemaakt bij veel van mijn vrienden...ook mooi om daar achter te komen...

maar ik wil hier weg en aangezien ikde engelse taal aardig beheers zat ik te denken om naar amerika te gaan voor in ieders geval 1jaar alleen ik weet niet zo goed hoe ik moet beginnen

is het slim om er gewoon naar toe te gaan en verder wel te zien???

grtz Niels

Hoi Niels!

I don't know why Dutch, because this is an english forum :p en mijn nederlands is niet zo goed, but I'll try ok?
I think above someone gave you a really good advice. I personaly, love it here. The reasons why I moved from Holland are not relevant... maybe we'll get into it some other time... :cool:
maar, Wegrennen van je problememn is nooit de goede oplossing !
Wees blij , je woont in het beste land ter wereld .
Ik hoop dat je inziet te waarderen waar je bent! :loco: :cool:

sorry to hear about your friends... :/

Haha, my god, Dutch is fascinating.

"Je woont in het beste land ter wereld."

It's almost like German except the letter order just looks jumbled up.

"Du wohnst in dem besten Land der Welt." Add in a little English and you have Dutch.