deadair appreciation

jake vs. willow (my wife):

indieradioisdead: how is your host?
indieradioisdead: who
aviroig: 9559418&ed=1077064861
aviroig:we bought our first sheep
indieradioisdead: that's not what i asked you fool
indieradioisdead: and that doesn't count
aviroig:willow says alpacas are for pussies
indieradioisdead: lkds;ljkhfg;ljhsdfg
indieradioisdead: ...
aviroig:and I am going back to cooking dinner
indieradioisdead: willow and i need to have words
indieradioisdead: so webmasters has been good to you?
aviroig:Word! Willow here. Avi is cooking. What do you need to say? Bring it on!
indieradioisdead: haha, about alpacas?
indieradioisdead: ...i don't even want to speak to you... "alpacas are for pussies"... please
indieradioisdead: psshhhh... better than llamas
aviroig:You don't think llamas are tougher?
indieradioisdead: no way. don't let the puffy hair fool you
aviroig:Puffy hair or no, they have black cold little hearts
indieradioisdead: but they look so cool when they are mean... and llamas are just as bitchy
aviroig:I want the bet to read "alpacas OR llamas" Don't limit me man
indieradioisdead: haha
indieradioisdead: steph took that down... but it was funny
aviroig:So are you backing out?
aviroig:This is where avi is telling me to call you a pussy
indieradioisdead: no no... actually, even if she left it up it won't be on the site right now (we are having some "problems")
aviroig:But I don't know you well enough
indieradioisdead: avi is always calling me names... i hope he treats you better
aviroig:okay, enough. the bet stand and i must go back to ebay. byeeeee!
aviroig:i mean the bet stands.
indieradioisdead: haha
indieradioisdead: are the driver boys there?
aviroig:no they left this morning at a pitifully early hour. i couldn't even get up. i felt soo sorry for them. didja see the pics of poor toby getting pushed around by our dog? ha!
indieradioisdead: yea... but he is a small fella, any dog would push him around
aviroig:nice boys. my sewing class cronies were thrilled to meet a "metrosexual"!
indieradioisdead: man, you would think SF would be teaming with them
aviroig:maybe it is...hmmm...i just assumed they were all queer, but maybe, just maybe they ARE all metrosexuals!
aviroig:Enough! I must ebay!
indieradioisdead: that would make for a tough call
indieradioisdead: fine, foolishly spend your money on others e-goods
aviroig:how do you know i am not spending my money on e-LLAMAS!?! HMMM?!
indieradioisdead: ...because you already have family for that
aviroig:who is losing now???
indieradioisdead: don't try and sike me out
aviroig:done and done