Josh is a nerd...


Overly-Cryptic Jake
seipptastic: i have a boba fett on my desk now
deadair: i have a boba fett on my leg
seipptastic: I know!
deadair: (i one uped you again!)
deadair: (god i'm good)
seipptastic: there is also a darth maul on my desk
seipptastic: and a ringwraith
seipptastic: and a playmobile vampire
seipptastic: and a lego shark
deadair: ok, now you are just a nerd
seipptastic: well
seipptastic: i don't want my knicknacks at home anymore
seipptastic: so I brought them to work
deadair: why not
seipptastic: clutter
seipptastic: too many toys
deadair: (nerd)
seipptastic: people always get me toys for my birthday and shit
seipptastic: no idea why
deadair: (because you are a nerd)
seipptastic: i guess they think I'm, like, a nerd or something
deadair: mmm... maybe
All I have on my desk is a 3" high figure of Daffy Duck as Duck Dogers in the 24th and a Half Century.
And a slinky.
