Episode 2 is a F**KING DISGRACE!

Thats one of the reasons I really liked it. I didn't get bored with the movie at all (admittedly I have only seen it once), but I do think it was consistantly good all the way through, and built up to an awesome battle at the end. It kept my interest because I was always anxious to see what was going to happen next.

There is always room for improvement, but I think it was a great film. Each to his own though. :)
Well at least the acting was spot on in Lord Of The Rings which is a phenomenal story and i think the movie did it justice, even though i suppose it's fair that they had to miss some bits of the story that i really liked. Probably mostly because there weren't too many American actors to fuck it up.
This is the kind of thread I expect from Trent! TRENT! Not Spawny!

Go sit in the corner young man, and have a good long hard think about what you have just said. Disgraceful! Much disappointment I have in you now, much disapointment...

The Dark Side has obviously clouded your mind!
I think the actors would have done a much better job (yep, I admit they weren't much chop) if the dialogue had been better. George Lucas should have got Lawrence Kasdan back to help him out - he's da man!

Oh, and Anakin's speech once he got back from killing the sandpeople was great - EXACTLY what I was looking for. In the hands of a great young actor that would have been awesome - with Hayden Christensen it was merely great. I don't know who could have been cast instead of him, though - he looks the part, but didn't quite pull off the acting side of things.
True, actors can only do so much with the script they are given. I did think Anakin was the worst offender acting wise though.

Palpatine (cant remember his name at the moment) and Natalie Portman were good, Ewan was better than episode one too and Samuel L. Jackson was good. But the rest were mediocre to awful IMHO :)
Originally posted by Kem

While nearly every other person on every other metal board on the internet DESPISES them. I wont cower like a bitch just because everyone else disagrees! :D ;)
I'm guessing that for Anakin to finally go to the dark side in Episode III he'll have to kill a major character. Who do you think it will be?

Options are:

Mace Windu - the most powerful Jedi after Yoda, I believe (he helps run the Council, anyway). Big props for the guy who can kill him.

Padme - yep, Anakin kills the good lady wife, obviously after she gives birth to that near-incestuous brother-sister team of Luke & Leia. And keep in mind that Darth Vader wasn't aware that Luke had a sister until he read Luke's mind in "Return of the Jedi", so watch for another plot hole in Ep III if we see Annie with the two kids.

Jar Jar - he kills Padme's second-in-command, and nobody thinks any worse of him.

Count Dooku - that's right, the major character doesn't have to be a good guy. He obviously doesn't appear in IV-VI, but then again he might end up in a retirement home waiting for reruns of "Matlock".

Any other suggestions? Then again, maybe he doesn't kill a major character, and just turns to the dark side after shoplifting and the occasional bit of vandalism.
I think he kills Padme, it would show how evil he really was. OR, and this is much more likely, he starts killing ALL the jedi (either tracking them down, or it happens in one big showdown somehow), which will explain why theres none left in Episode 4!

I dont know why everyone bags Jar-Jar, he was a better actor than most of them ;)