Episode 2 is a F**KING DISGRACE!

Originally posted by Spiff
I'm guessing that for Anakin to finally go to the dark side in Episode III he'll have to kill a major character. Who do you think it will be?

Count Dooku - that's right, the major character doesn't have to be a good guy. He obviously doesn't appear in IV-VI, but then again he might end up in a retirement home waiting for reruns of "Matlock".
I am pretty sure the Count will die as he is working with the Emperor, and we all know that Darth Vader becomes the Emperor's knew apprentice, and that there are always 2 sith working together. Perhaps Anakin will kill the Count and take his place? Or maybe the Count will die at the hands of someone else, who knows...

Mace Windu is also another possibility...

Also, I think we will see a face off between Obi-Wan and Anakin. Maybe this battle will be the one that will leave Anakin all chopped up, forcing him to turn into the half man, half machine, that is Darth Vader. :D
I tend to think that there may be a show down of sorts between anakin and Obi Wan as remember it was Obi Wan that confirmed with Luke about Darth Vadar being his father and that he sceased being Anakin when the dark Force shrouded his mind.Yet still had good things to say of Anakin.
Originally posted by Blitzkrieg

I am pretty sure the Count will die as he is working with the Emperor, and we all know that Darth Vader becomes the Emperor's knew apprentice, and that there are always 2 sith working together. Perhaps Anakin will kill the Count and take his place? Or maybe the Count will die at the hands of someone else, who knows...

Mace Windu is also another possibility...

Also, I think we will see a face off between Obi-Wan and Anakin. Maybe this battle will be the one that will leave Anakin all chopped up, forcing him to turn into the half man, half machine, that is Darth Vader. :D

In the original script for the movies, Anakin and Obi Wan had a showdown in a volcano, but George might change that for the movies as its been about 25 years since he wrote it!
I don't know how anyone could not love it
everything about the movie was awesome,
Come on, as if the acting in the origional starwars was good!!
corny acting and jokes are what make starwars what it is
i think its the best starwars ever
and yes, i am a big fan of the origional movies

ps everyone i know who has seen it loves the movie
Well, I think the acting in the first trilogy was excellent!
Humour has a part for sure, the first trilogy had heaps of funny moments, but they werent cliche stuff like "Oh I hate it when he does that", C3PO was just as funny as he was in the original trilogy though :D
Han Solo was also really funny, but it wasnt really played up for laughs like they were delivering lines to each other (which is what it felt like in this movie), it was just funny the way he yelled at Chewy and stuff like that.

If everyone else liked it, thats fine, but I didnt think it was all that good, id give it a 6.5 out of 10 :D

Im thinking of going to see it again just to see if I feel the same, I had different expectations when I first saw it, Ill wait until it comes out on DVD though probably.
You kind of expect more out of Anakin, his character is not relateable or believable, all the others are. Some of the script really sucked and made things confusing. The editing was very poor and finally the sound in the cinema i saw it in wasn't loud enough, come on where's the make your teeth rattle sounds ? I think it will totally rock on DVD with the few deleted scenes (no doubt).

EP III - drooling has begun...
Yep, the Episode One dvd was awesome, even though the movie was less than excellent. It had loads of extras, and was a lesson on how to do a good dvd!
What was "very poor" about the editing of Ep2? I've heard some criticism of the movie and can understand it (except what Spawny's said!) but this one is mind-bogglingly out of left field.
To be precise a number of scene's felt they were cut at the wrong time, i.e. when Anakin goes nuts at the Tuskan's - 10 more seconds please. Another one, the fight with Jenga Fett as part of the big battle, he was fighting for like 3 seconds as compared to the well done scene with him and Obi Wan (was logical and a nice fit).

The OVERLY long repeated scenes with Anakin and Padma going over and over the anguish of their situation... we got that point the FIRST scene this happened, then they did that again 2 more times? why, maybe the perception was the acting was average and they needed to force (no pun intended) that down our throat? I dunno.

I'm not criticising the story line at all, just the way it was packaged (edited). The 45 degree disolves between a number of scenes was a classy effect and worked well.

In the middle of the film, the cuts between Anankin on Tatooine and Obi Wan in and near the factory - very hard to follow (do u think that was deliberate?). I didn't see an advantage to doing it this way.

If anything I would have preffered more consistency and generally faster cuts all over in the battle, not one or two fast cuts.

It's just an opinion, I'll pull me head in ok. I gave EP1 a 7 /10 and I'll give Ep 2 an 8.5 so dont think I'm being hard on it, the film rocks, just cetain elements frustrated me, beggars cant be choosers !

BTW when I was young I worked as a film editor and no I'm no expert but you do expect the same quality of the original films and even Ep.1 which was edited better. Was very surprised the inconsistency in particular in this film, maybe it's a by product of digital production or maybe they rushed production...
Don't blame the editing for that - blame the writer and director, Mr George Lucas. The editor just puts together what's been filmed, and what the director tells him to put in. It's then his job to make it look good, but he can't do that if the bossman doesn't give him the go ahead (and especially when a director like Lucas as final cut - he'd be particularly picky when it comes to what's in his movies). Just my two cents! No need to pull your head in or anything.

I didn't like the fact that it was filmed digitally, btw - may have looked better from a digital projector, but on film it was quite fuzzy in places, definitely not crystal clear or anything.
Well i must say i thought it was brilliant!

I totally disagree with spawny's criticism of the movie (even though i respect your opnion spawn). I think the acting was fine even the romance parts. I mean the antagonistic romantic banter between Han Solo and Princess Leia was hardly award winning stuff.

Yoda and his light sabre battle with Count Dooku was friggin awesome.

Yeah there certainly was cliche's and corny bits in the movie...but the original star wars trilogy was full of em. I mean any movie that has a character like C-3PO in it....how can you take that too seriously?

I really got into Episode II because the story line really made sense in terms of where it is leading into the original star wars trilogy (episodes IV - VI).