what josh and i use AIM for...

indieradioisdead: no one likes my AIM thread
indieradioisdead: everyone thinks i'm dumb
indieradioisdead: like i'm a big dumb head
indieradioisdead: even you think i'm a big stupid face nut sack
indieradioisdead: ::head in hands::
indieradioisdead: ::about to cry::
indieradioisdead: ::crying::
seipptastic: ::pointing and laughing::
indieradioisdead: ::contemplating suicide::
seipptastic: ::making noose::
indieradioisdead: 'cause i'm lossing my sight lossing my mind
indieradioisdead: wish somebody would tell me i'm fine
indieradioisdead: ...
indieradioisdead: hey buddy, can you pass the noose?
seipptastic: ::ties noose to tree::
indieradioisdead: thanks... you're a pal
seipptastic: no problem buddy, we''ll lick this together
indieradioisdead: yea... you and me buddy... till the end
indieradioisdead: can you hold this chair steady for me?
seipptastic: sure!
seipptastic: ::hold chair::
indieradioisdead: wow... you are a true friend
indieradioisdead: ::gets on chair::
indieradioisdead: ...now, when i say pull, you pull the chair out REALLY fast... ok?
seipptastic: really fast?
seipptastic: ok bucko
indieradioisdead: yea yea... FAST
indieradioisdead: ok, hey... can i ask you one last favor?
seipptastic: sure!
indieradioisdead: if i shit myself, can you clean it up before my family finds my body?
seipptastic: oh definitly!!
seipptastic: my pleasure
indieradioisdead: thanks pal..... PULL
seipptastic: ok...hang on
seipptastic: brb
indieradioisdead: no no no
indieradioisdead: PULL!!!
seipptastic: ok ok ok
seipptastic: I just need to hit the bathroom
seipptastic: so...just a second
indieradioisdead: no... quick do it
indieradioisdead: before i change my mind
indieradioisdead: ..... come on
indieradioisdead: BUDDY.... come on
indieradioisdead: i would do it for you...
seipptastic: hold on I'llbe right with you
indieradioisdead: crap...
indieradioisdead: you know what...
indieradioisdead: i don't know if i want to go through with this now
indieradioisdead: ... i mean, i think i might have some more living to do
indieradioisdead: you know?
indieradioisdead: maybe i should get down
indieradioisdead: ...here...help me pull this thing down
seipptastic: ok
seipptastic: ::bumps chair accidentally::
indieradioisdead: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
indieradioisdead: aaaaaaa aa aaaaaaaaaa
indieradioisdead: ::limp::
indieradioisdead: ::last bit of life::
indieradioisdead: ::thumbs up::
indieradioisdead: thanks pal
indieradioisdead: ::dead::
seipptastic: OH NO
seipptastic: WHAT DID I DO
seipptastic: )(%$^&()#$&^%#$
seipptastic: oh well
indieradioisdead: (annnnnnnnd.... post)
indieradioisdead: this concludes another episode of j and j theater
indieradioisdead: ::bows::
seipptastic: ::bows::
seipptastic: ENCORE, ENCORE!!!
indieradioisdead: ::catchs rose with teeth::
indieradioisdead: (are you posting this?)
seipptastic: ::pushes away screaming groupies::
seipptastic: (didn't you?)
indieradioisdead: ::pulls panties off face::
indieradioisdead: (no, not yet... i thought you might)
indieradioisdead: dood... reading that again is like reading pure gold
seipptastic: i fixed the smilies
indieradioisdead: sweet... now my post looks crazy...
indieradioisdead: fucking great josh
indieradioisdead: i like the "(annnnnnnd post)" myself
indieradioisdead: your favorite part?
seipptastic: just delete that one
indieradioisdead: aahhhhhh
indieradioisdead: that's fine
indieradioisdead: understandable
indieradioisdead: ...it's still there
seipptastic: I like the WHLE DAMN THING
seipptastic: no
seipptastic: click edit on your post
seipptastic: then check the delete box
seipptastic: then click save changes
seipptastic: FOO
indieradioisdead: edit MY post?
seipptastic: yeah
indieradioisdead: to what?
seipptastic: DELETE IT
indieradioisdead: oh ok
seipptastic: lhkv'dasha'sdf
seipptastic: GOD YOU'RE DUMB
indieradioisdead: (i'm soooo hgh)