deadlines & diamonds


Jun 8, 2010
hey friends! really good buddy (phil) is the guitar player for a band called deadlines & diamonds (go learn something).

anyways, they are currently in florida wrapping up the tracking with tom denney on their new ep and from what i have already heard, it's gonna be really awesome!

go check the new studio diaries!

also, give them some youtube, twitter and facebook love if y'all already haven't. i am certain they will be the next big thing. ;)
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Tim, i checked it out. the music is something i wouldn't hate listening to, from the video i think i'll dig it music wise :)

gotet10, bummer. their last album kinda blew bawls production wise (HAHA I SAID BLUE BALLS!) and if Tom doesn't get any more gooderer he's going to make FTFD sound even worse.
they all live in the sf, bay area i think...

i don't know what tom has in mind for this music (with regards to engineering) but if it's anything close to the band's vision i'm sure it will translate as is should.

let it steep, this ep is going to be great.