Deadnight Warrior video

Willy Wonka

Son of a Bitch
Dec 21, 2001
Has anyone else downloaded this video?
Janne Warman looks like a gangster, complete with hooded sweatshirt and big black sunglasses. Very funny.

The video is basically COB performing, so for those of us unfortunate enough not to live in Finland...its rippin' cool to see them perform.

I always imagine some evil skeleton warrior running around Lake Bodom decapitating people when I hear this song.
All the CoB videos I know are somewhat alike... Showing the band playing and some spotlights piercing the dark and stuff
I think the video for Everytime i Die is different, Thats the one were alexi is tied up in the woods or something and the reaper is riding him or something. and then the wierd spotlights come and pierce the dark and the band plays...

Ah fack it
thats not Janne in the video.... Janne was in school at the time of the recording.... or something like that.... anyway they had someone fill in for him thats why he is wearing shades and a hoodie
Originally posted by bodomite
thats not Janne in the video.... Janne was in school at the time of the recording.... or something like that.... anyway they had someone fill in for him thats why he is wearing shades and a hoodie

Originally posted by Sympozium
That is Janne in the clip.

I am literally :confused: !
I want an explanation right away!!!!!!
It´s not Janne at this video.

At this time, Janne just record the cd for bodom, he isn´t a CoB member, after the release he entered to cob.

If I´m not wrong the name of that man is Erna.

I can be wrong about the name, but as bodomite I´m sure that that man isn´t Janne. Take a look at pictures for the SW album and you´ll see the difference.;)
People, listen: It is Janne! Everybody who has the Deluxe Edition of Something Wild (Bodomite for example) should take a look at the Deadnight Warrior video. It has an "intro" which says "Bodom family" and then you see pics of the band with their names beside. And the name of the keyboard player is Janne Warman.
Any other questions?