dan of bereavement
shroud of bereavement
Thanks Dan! Like I was telling Paul, maybe one day we'll get our shit together. Everyone's got other stuff going on right now, and it's definitely taken a toll on the band.
Hopefully sooner than later we can finish what we started, even if it's just recording. I've kinda grown disenchanted with playing live over the past couple of years.
Wow, that sucks indeed!
I know the feeling about the live stuff sometimes. It's just a big pain in the ass to get everyone together and get everyones schedual working out, Then not getting paid sucks. And locally selling tickets fucking really sucks. But once on stage, It's worth all that shit.
If you aren't fired up anymore, yeah it ain't woth the bullshit to bother doing it.
I hope you guys find the fire to get back and at least record the album, and maybe get to Boston one day!
Good luck man, seriously!