Deadwing pisses me off.


cheating the polygraph
Apr 29, 2001
dead between the walls
What an odd thing for someone who bows at Steven Wilson's feet to say, but it's true. The music is close to flawless, but I still have major issues with this CD. The first problem is the absence of a lyric sheet, replaced by some collages that would be best appreciated by a pretentious art schooler and/or Radiohead fanboy, or in their proper context (the always excellent light shows at PT concerts). The second and much more serious complaint is the negligent remake of Shesmovedon tacked on at the end, wholly unnecessary and made worse by five minutes of dead space between it and the proper closing track (which nearly ruins PT's tradition of ending their albums on a somber note, this one being no exception.) Thankfully this bullshit's only on the US version, why couldn't you have given us the Lazarus B-sides instead, one of which is among their hardest rocking tracks ever?

Okay, rant off. Back to your regularly scheduled ethnic jokes.
Adrian Belew's soloing on the title track is simply mind-boggling.

As for your criticisms... I quite like the booklet... if you need lyric sheets... you can find them online... I prefer a booklet that is a work of art... and Deadwing does not fail in that aspect.

As for the reworked version of "Shesmovedon"... I don't quite understand the point of it. But it's also something that I don't find too irritating... I can pretend it's not there and turn the album off after "Glass Arm Shattering". The 5 minute buffer silence helps.
I can't stand how they have Shesmovedon on there, it makes no sense to me, AT ALL.. so I ignore it, and that album is so much better.

Hahaha, as for Belew, I completely forgot that he was to guest on Deadwing, and until I recalled this (about 2 weeks after I had been listening to it) I spent much time complaining and feeling angered about "WTF IS THIS BELEW RIPOFF FJAKSDLFJDKSA" .. and then the "ohhh, well that makes sense now then" when I found it out <_< ... >_>
Even with my anti-PT-ness, I'm starting to warm up to this album a bit. Shallow is just a rocking track, not what I'd expect from them off the heels of such a lame album as In Absentia. Lazarus is very nice and soothing, and that's as far as I am on this listen yet.
I fail to see the point in remixes and reversions of classic songs, and Shesmovedon certainly falls into the category of classic.
although Wilson's lyrics always fit the music, the lack of a lyric sheet doesn't cripple me. So many times I've heard a PT song which really moved me and I've gone back to look for the lyrics and read them and found no magic there at all. If you've read the booklet in the Stars Die Comp you know that Steven didn't even write the lyrics for the whole first half of his career. But what he excels at is almost making the lyrics and his own voice instruments in the greater context of the song. What he's saying almost means less than how he's saying it.

and, sad to say, PT's music has been changing, from the very beginning when there wasn't even a band. I've liked it all so far, but someday they're going to turn the next corner and I'm not going to like the direction. But change and progress is better than stagnation, so I'll forgive them, and therefore, Hesmovedon :)
I thought Adrian's solo on the first track was a little...out of place perhaps? There are some fantastic songs on this CD though- Lazarus, Open Car, Arriving Somewhere but not Here. I dont know whether I like it better than In Absentia yet though. To early.
Demonspell said:
The first problem is the absence of a lyric sheet, replaced by some collages that would be best appreciated by a pretentious art schooler and/or Radiohead fanboy...
I hate it when lyrics aren't included with CDs. With everyone bitching about piracy, you would think record companies would try to put as much value into the packaging as possible. Not including the lyrics is just wrong.

Demonspell said:
The second and much more serious complaint is the negligent remake of Shesmovedon tacked on at the end.
I wasn't even aware that the CD was available yet. Regardless, I had no idea "Shesmovedon" was a cover. Who did it originally? And what's the problem with it? I think it's a pretty cool song.

Demonspell said:
Okay, rant off. Back to your regularly scheduled ethnic jokes.

General Zod said:
I hate it when lyrics aren't included with CDs. With everyone bitching about piracy, you would think record companies would try to put as much value into the packaging as possible. Not including the lyrics is just wrong.

I wasn't even aware that the CD was available yet. Regardless, I had no idea "Shesmovedon" was a cover. Who did it originally? And what's the problem with it? I think it's a pretty cool song.



"Shesmovedon" is not a cover. It's a remake. It originally appears on Porcupine Tree's "Lightbulb Sun" album. It is a great song, but I don't understand the point of the remake.
I agree about the Belew solo, a great touch to one of their most progressive tracks ever (and as the opener, so much for accusations of repeating themselves). And the booklet is only a minor complaint, the art school comments was intended to be tongue in cheek, if there wasn't a vague concept going on I wouldn't have mentioned it. In closing, if there's any sort of concept, print the fucking lyrics.
And there's also a DVD-A version coming out, with two exclusive bonus tracks, one featuring Akerfeldt. Special editions can drive you crazy.
I"m more and more impressed with this album each time I listen to it. It's definately my favorite PT.

Apparently the lyrics were inspired by a screenplay written by SW and some other dude. I'll wonder if that will ever see the light of day.

Demonspell: Have you heard Richard Barbieri's solo album that was released recently?
BenMech said:
What I don't get are the following questions:

WHAT is the point of Mellotron Scratch?

Why replace Half-Light with Glas Arm Shattering, neither of which are of any brillance?

It's most certainly not PT's best album (which is either Signify or Stupid Dream)

Yes. Your opinion is truth. :bah: