Dear Dr. Atkins: Shut up.

yeah, Ketosis is the whole basis of the Atkins diet. The body starts using the stored fat for fuel because it's not getting enough carb intake. Luckily the body can break both fat and protein down to glucose, which is what carbs break down to as well, so technically you don't NEED any carbs at all. It's just tough on the body because it thinks it's starving. Also, if you do such a diet, make sure to take some sort of fiber supplement or you'll risk irreversible damage to your intestinal tract.
Eat healthy food and exercise. That's it. Nothing wrong with eating junk every once in a while, but some people think eating twinkies and honey roasted peanuts with a coke for dinner is acceptable practice. Maybe that's why diabetes is on the rise in America.

Fuck these "specialty" diets. Get off your fat duff and go outside.
I went to a party a few years ago once where at least half the people in attendance were fat fucks.

They were deep frying twinkies.
speed said:
That being said, alot of it has to do with metabolism. I can eat like a goddamn pig ( and I do) and not really gain much weight, as I lift weights, and I have naturally high metabolism.

Thing is, in most research, at least in the UK, it has been found the vast majority of obese people have very high metabolisms to burn off the excess of food they eat. According to the doctor I was working for last year something like only 5% of obese people were in the position they were in because of metabolic problems, or problems with the appetite pathway. The rest just eat too much...