Dear Silly Tiny Person,


Dec 21, 2001
I fully appreciate that you are used to being physically intimidating. However, this has a lot to do with the fact that you generally stick to scaring your mother and grandmother. However, I must request that you kindly refrain from try to exercise your "divine right" on me plzthx.
Nope. This midget only threatens my GIRLFRIEND if I'm in earshot. The pledges of throat slicing, spinal damage, and all that jazz are directed at me if and only if I'm 50 miles away.
Midgets have always scared me. There's this one with like Down Syndrome that comes into work on Thursdays and tries to hug everyone.
haha...this guy, not a midget, but in some way mentally handicapped, named Disco Fred comes in to my work often and buys flowers for the pretty cashier chicks. He has probably 30-50 shirts that he has had made over the years that are just plain retro tees that say Disco Fred on the front. He's something of a local celebrity. If I can find a good place that'll make shirts for me I think I'm gonna get some disco fred shirts too. that'd be sweet.