Dear TD:


Dec 9, 2004
Dear TD:

Please discontinue your harassment towards me via this board and text messaging.

I tried to be amicable and nice by just highlighting that fact that your lack listening skills in our talks. I didn’t want to be hurtful since that is not the type of person that I am even though it was hurtful to me when you would want to control the mood in whatever direction you felt without considering my feelings.

Since you feel it is necessary to bash me publicly I will tell you publicly why I did not want to be with you.

1. Lack of listening skills
2. You drink far too much and teaching middle school the next day
admittedly smelling of alcohol. I rarely drink.
3. You have questionable feelings for your female students
a. Wanting to take the girls to movies and shopping
b. Buying Valentine gifts/candy for only the female students
c. Telling the girls that any new boyfriends need to be approved by
you including dates to the dances.
d. Having candy on hand for the girls at all times
4. You admit to “occasionally” using drugs. I do not use drugs and will
not have them in my life. I have my daughter’s life to consider here.
5. You told me that you love me and you don’t even know a fraction
of me.
6. You are inadvertently rude to people online that don’t deserve it.
7. Sexually incompatible
8. I have a high standard of fitness for myself and you don’t take care
of yourself physically.

Upon finalization of our so called “relationship” you have proceeded in making comments online knowing that I would read them and hoping that I would be hurt by them. The fact that I am a stripper never bothered you before, but you continue to make comments about strippers being whores and sluts specifically to make jabs at me. We both know that I am not a whore or slut, but you say these thing with the sole purpose of being hurtful just like you were doing to Greg with the disgusting comments that you made in regards to his son. It’s obvious that he has a loving bond with his son and you are jealous of that for whatever reason and insult/discredit him.

You are a negative selfish person with more than questionable behavior and that is why I don’t want you in my life.
Anthrax_Mosher said:
Funny thing is, some of that shit listed applies to everyone else here, yourself included. Why dont you post that for everyone

Look, not one of your posts make any sense.:err:

Nothing in her "letter" to TD applies to anyone else on this board. It's time you started being a man and stopped feuding with a woman on the internet.
This was too good to pass up.

Skorned1 said:
Dear TD,

1. Lack of listening skills
2. You drink far too much and teaching middle school the next day
admittedly smelling of alcohol. I rarely drink.
3. You have questionable feelings for your female students
a. Wanting to take the girls to movies and shopping
b. Buying Valentine gifts/candy for only the female students
c. Telling the girls that any new boyfriends need to be approved by
you including dates to the dances.
d. Having candy on hand for the girls at all times
4. You admit to “occasionally” using drugs. I do not use drugs and will
not have them in my life. I have my daughter’s life to consider here.
5. You told me that you love me and you don’t even know a fraction
of me.
6. You are inadvertently rude to people online that don’t deserve it.
7. Sexually incompatible
8. I have a high standard of fitness for myself and you don’t take care
of yourself physically.

1) Stupid. What are you, his teacher ?
2) He can drink as much as he fuckin wants. You are not his mom.
3) What are you a spy?
4) He can take all the fuckin drugs he wants to take. Who are you to tell him any different. "I have my daughter's life to condsider here"
Oh really, do you tell her what mommy's job is (Stripper)
5) Who cares?
6) Applies to yourself. You started shit with me, which is way i responded and was rude back.
7) How do you know ??
8) Let him be however the fuck he wants to.

Stop bitching. Do you think that i post lost ass lists to everyone who insults me. Damn, i have more enemieson this board than you do. Do you see me beg them to stop their insults. Especially after your guilty of talking the same amount of shit that they did.

o_O o_O o_O
GregadetH said:
Look, not one of your posts make any sense.:err:

Nothing in her "letter" to TD applies to anyone else on this board. It's time you started being a man and stopped feuding with a woman on the internet.

How don't they make sense. Are you stupid? i fued with any person who attacks me first. At least i deal with it and don't call to UM authorities and have that person banned like you did.
Anthrax_Mosher said:
This was too good to pass up.

1) Stupid. What are you, his teacher ?
2) He can drink as much as he fuckin wants. You are not his mom.
3) What are you a spy?
4) He can take all the fuckin drugs he wants to take. Who are you to tell him any different. "I have my daughter's life to condsider here"
Oh really, do you tell her what mommy's job is (Stripper)
5) Who cares?
6) Applies to yourself. You started shit with me, which is way i responded and was rude back.
7) How do you know ??
8) Let him be however the fuck he wants to.

Stop bitching. Do you think that i post lost ass lists to everyone who insults me. Damn, i have more enemieson this board than you do. Do you see me beg them to stop their insults. Especially after your guilty of talking the same amount of shit that they did.

o_O o_O o_O

"lost ass list"?

Being an internet tough guy works much better when you speak english. Christ, Powerwolve makes more sense than you and english is a second language to that guy.
Internet toughguy my fuckin ass. Who's the one who posts "Ultimate Badass" all the fuckin time. Anyway, dude butt out. This had nothing to do with you. But since your the "Badass mother fucker of the board" you thought it was your business to butt in.