This is the best thread ever!
Hhhhmmmm... where to start.
I'm not gonna waste my time with all of this, but let's just see.
Drink too much and do "drugs." Well it must not interfere with my work, because every evaluation I've had ranked "exceeding excellent." And I have a 4.0 in grad school. It would also explain my high ranking in the local F&AM, Shrine, FOP, and Democratic Party. They must despise me, the leaders around here.
"Questionable feelings" that was my favorite. All of my aids are females and I comment on their greatness and that is "questionable?" LOL. Yes, the girls got a Valentines Party. THE BOYS GET A ST. PATTY's PARTY w/ no girls. No boys in middle school want valentines. Duh. Seeing how many of my best students are sons and daughters of the staff, the "questionable" part is hilarious.
Physical shape: That would explain the 100 miles a week on the bike and the 3 nights a week in the gym with one of my best friends, who is a Dr. and a PT. Again, laughable. Also further proof of you're own vanity

ANd the absurd observations about a "relationship," it was you who called me dear, and I don't date strippers. Sorry the joke is on you!
So please, stop making up fictional tales. Although I have no need to vindicate myself on a message board viewed by all of about 20 people, you're allegations are terrible. I'm sorry, but I wake up every day all smiley, because I make the world a better place. So if you'll excuse me, I have to go tutor a second grader (his mom must think I'm sooooo immoral to leave me with him and then pay to read with him

) And then it is off to the gym, then back out to school to prepare lessons and get the St. Pattys party decorated. I'm such a horrible person.