Death Angel - Killing Season

Hope you're right, I love "The Art Of Dying" but the song I listened in MySpace was good but had a something not very kosher in it. Still I have the album on sight for my next haul.
Okay I hear you. That's not one of the best tracks on the album in my opinion. I can see where people might be a little bit concerned...

That's exactly the song I was talking about, your comment relieved me.

NP: Warlock - 'Make Time For Love'
I just download it. I'm checking it out and it's not as brilliant as TAOD, in a way reminds me of FTTP, but a couple of things for sure: a) it is Death Angel and b) they haven't go mallcore. Maybe it's not the furious thrash of Evile or the classic stuff Fueled by Fire is doing, but the album is heavy and it's energetic and if Osegueda screams a bit more than usual the vocals are still clean.
If you're a fan of the band you'll dig it IMO.
I'm listening to it right now and it has been growing on me. I agree is not a masterpiece but it works for me.
This album is pretty good so far. I'll need to give it a few more spins to give a better opinion on it. More hard rock/metal than anything, but it's still good.
I have to agree that it is much better than AOD but unfortunately, it's not the Death Angel that I love. Sorry :(

I believe so far that TAOD is better, I already ordered it so it may change after some spins. But to me it's not a bad DA, I mean it sounds a lot like FTTP, so I guess you like only the debut (correct me if I'm wrong).

NP: Hirax - 'Warlords Command'
It is kinda strange, Feldmarschall. I loved the first three records.:erk:

Now you got me puzzled o_O. Well there's no account for taste, if it doesn't work for you skip it, there's so much music out here :saint:

NP: Walter Giardino - 'Astróloga'
Death Angel, wow that is a name I haven't heard in a long time. I hope the new cd kicks ass