Death/black metal article on

It's pretty funny actually, and I don't see what's wrong with his stand on it all. It's just too bad that he wasn't exposed to a more serious metal magazine where he could read quality reviews, and be exposed to quality music.
I agree with the writer that the examples he mentioned are ridiculous and pathetic. I hate that side of metal. But it's a shame that this is the only exposure the mainstream has to metal. Little do they know they complexity and depth of the music. *sigh*
that's the kind of shit that gives metal a bad name. sure metal is satan worshipping noise...if those are the only bands you've heard. throw that man an opeth cd and a couple cds of various melodic death metal bands and he'll probably spit at it still because when all you've heard is that shit in SOD, then your gonna be pretty close minded to metal.
hahah, some funny shit, but I really hate it how he applies what he saw in the mag to the rest of the metal world. But I suppose since stereotypes are over-simplfyfying, idiots like him would be the kings of it. I mean, you can't have a good article unless it's bagging the shit outta metal.
people read that one article and they assume that's what the word metal means and use it to fill their void of oblivion thinking that now they truly now what metal is.

and yes, it does piss me off
...throw that man an opeth cd and a couple cds of various melodic death metal bands and he'll probably spit at it still because when all you've heard is that shit in SOD, then your gonna be pretty close minded to metal...

This is what I thought too. The whole thing reeks of sarcasm...ya know, like some of the comments on this thread. :grin: Sounds to me like he's already made up his mind what he thinks of metal. And how 'bout the way he puts the most ridiculously evil sounding quotes in there. :rolleyes: cheesy