Death/Black Metal Haul

Abryl said:
I've never really liked black metal, but Vintersorg is awesome! Cosmic Genesis is an amazing album. Some death metal I do like, just saw Cannibal Corpse last nite, they sound good live, it was a pretty cool show :)
I Love The Vintersorg Album I have I cant understand a word he is saying :loco: but he has a great Voice! Check out Satyricon Volcano I love it its unlike any Black Metal Ever!!!! I promise!!!!! Sinner Rider is sending me Some More Vintersorg and Some Cannible so I will have even more :)
DrillSergeant said:
Didn't say the Covenant album was bad. Just mentioned that many people credit it way more than it deserves and at the same time forget about the true gem Domination is. Of course, MA's best works are and will probably always be their first two albums.
You're so perfectly right about the Disincarnate singer. He's so typical! And that's why I don't like him. There's nothing special about him. I mean, how many more of these sore-throat-vocals can the world take when we already have masters like David Vincent, John Tardy and Brett Hoffmann?
Just checked the tracklist for the Deicide best of. Gee, track 1-9 are taken from their first two albums! Can the rest of the tracks live up to the first half? I'm not sure whether to get it or not but I figure it would be a good way to complete my collection with the essentials as I've never been the biggest Deicide maniac in the world.
I like The stuff with Steve Tucker too! the Deicide is worth the money IMO I'm not a Huge fan either, Ofcourse I'm right :grin: hahahahaha John Tardy is great I have Always liked Obituary! But yes jumping around again! Domination is awsome "Where the Slime Live" is fucking Great!
DrillSergeant said:
BTW have you ever checked out Malevolent Creation? Just know their first two albums but those are just killer!!!

Yaknow They are on my to get List! tho I havnt heard them I know they are from that Florida Death Metal Scene that produced alot of Great Bands!
JonnyD said:
I Love The Vintersorg Album I have I cant understand a word he is saying :loco: but he has a great Voice! Check out Satyricon Volcano I love it its unlike any Black Metal Ever!!!! I promise!!!!! Sinner Rider is sending me Some More Vintersorg and Some Cannible so I will have even more :)
Well, than let all sacrifice to The Dark Unloards of Metal so that she's sending you Canbal Corpe's "The Wretched Spawn" album. Its their latest and its kicks mighty ass! It is produced by Neil Kernon [Queenrych's Rage for Oder and the album from Spiral Architect among others] and they are a bit more technical. Great album. Just as intense as Slayers Reign in Blood. I love this album.
Hawk said:
Well, than let all sacrifice to The Dark Unloards of Metal so that she's sending you Canbal Corpe's "The Wretched Spawn" album. Its their latest and its kicks mighty ass! It is produced by Neil Kernon [Queenrych's Rage for Oder and the album from Spiral Architect among others] and they are a bit more technical. Great album. Just as intense as Slayers Reign in Blood. I love this album.

I cant Remember Which One it is But I think its an Older CC album, In my entire Life I have Heard 1 cc album hahahahahha aint I lame! :loco:
JonnyD said:
I Love The Vintersorg Album I have I cant understand a word he is saying :loco: but he has a great Voice! Check out Satyricon Volcano I love it its unlike any Black Metal Ever!!!! I promise!!!!! Sinner Rider is sending me Some More Vintersorg and Some Cannible so I will have even more :)

hahaha I think the first Vintersorg albums are all in Swedish, that's kinda cool. I still wanna hear the new one, I hope it's just as good as Visions From The Spiral Generator, Metaphysical Drama and Star Guarded Coronation are amazing songs!
Important about the newer Vintersorg albums is that they are more progressive and that master bassplayer Steve Di Giorgio [Sadus, Testament, ex-Iced Earth a.o.].
I actually don't like newer Vintersorg at all. That cosmic stuff is jsut silly if you ask me, and the music is along the same lines which makes it complex but not interesting.
Depending on much you like Mr.V, I happen to love all of his works. Everything that I have ever heard him do from side projects to Vintersorg has been amazing. But as for the "focusing blur", I do think that "Visions", is wayyyyyyyy, better. He has the most powerful and Epic voice that I have ever heard, and his writing style is unlike any other.
Sorath said:
I actually don't like newer Vintersorg at all. That cosmic stuff is jsut silly if you ask me, and the music is along the same lines which makes it complex but not interesting.
Well, taste is personal. What can I say. To each his/her own
Sinner Rider said:
Depending on much you like Mr.V, I happen to love all of his works. Everything that I have ever heard him do from side projects to Vintersorg has been amazing. But as for the "focusing blur", I do think that "Visions", is wayyyyyyyy, better. He has the most powerful and Epic voice that I have ever heard, and his writing style is unlike any other.

I really do Like What I have heard from him so far What a voice and what a Power to convey emotion through music I cant understand his words but I can understand the feeling! its amazing!
Abryl said:
hahaha I think the first Vintersorg albums are all in Swedish, that's kinda cool. I still wanna hear the new one, I hope it's just as good as Visions From The Spiral Generator, Metaphysical Drama and Star Guarded Coronation are amazing songs!

Yep as far as I know the first 3 are Which is fine! I havnt heard any of His english work yet but I will soon!