Death/Grind band that I recorded & mixed (members of Kill the Client/Phobia/Gridlink)


Aug 14, 2008
Dallas, TX
Hi guys, second mix to post on this site. TestB.mp3

NEW version of band's approval (no kick samples this time): - Track 06.mp3

I just recently recorded this band on Sunday and have been mixing off and on all week (about 9 songs, roughly 20-25 mins of material).

Their style is predominantly grindcore with a lot of hardcore punk and death metal influences, even some technical moments.

Anyone care to share their opinions on this mix of one of the songs?

It's unmastered, but I mixed through Waves RChannel Compressor and some Linear EQ. Had the L1 + Ultramaximizer turned on briefly to show them how it would sound at the finished level of loudness, but of course I bounced this mix with the L1 bypassed.

Guitars are double mic'd with two 57's and double tracked, so four tracks of guitar. 100L/70L and 100 R/70R. Not sure what guitar he played, but it was through a Mesa Triple Rec head and a Sonic cab (not sure about the model).

Bass is one d.i. and one mic'd with ATM25 playing through a Behringer 180W combo.

Drums are all natural except there's two instances of Drumagog blended into the kick. One sample about 20% and the other sample is the Suffocation kick blended 50%.

Vocals tracked with SM58 and AT4060. One take was recorded with both, but two tracks of AT4060 going hard left/right for a room vocal sound. He also did an overdub/second take of vocals with just the SM58. Four tracks of vocals total.
holy shitballs dude

i think the kick could come up a abit, and same with the vocals in certain parts
but everything is tits

this sounds sick, and the song is fucking sweeeeet

is fajardo drumming?
Sweet, I thought so about the kick drum. I did reference mixes on some headphones, I think one had the extreme low end 80hz or so and the other headphones jacked up the high mids too much so I tried compensating/balancing between two sets of heads and the monitors of course.

and yep it is Fajardo on the kit. He was insanely good tracking (as I thought he would be), about half an hour to get all the songs.
ohh I know what you mean about the cut-out. There is a bad edit there on my part near the end. The guitarist accidentally palm-muted one note when he double tracked, I did a quick attempt at patching it up but botched it haha.
What member(s) from Kill the Client are in this band? My death/grind band Pleasant Valley has done shows with them...great band.
Indeed. Dorian, the vocalist for this band (they're called Enemies of Inertia) joined Kill the Client as a second guitarist in the last year I think for live shows.

Both Fajardo and Dorian are also in Noisear. I've only heard their stuff on myspace, but I like what I hear.
Yeah the singer, Morgan is quite the character. He's always wild and involved with the crowd at shows, stomping around and barking haha. Good times.

And thanks, there was no boost before the Rec. I also found out the cab that he was using, which is a Sonic cab. Not sure what model though.
Haha...Morgan accidentally roundhouse kicked one of my buddies in the head at a show and nearly knocked him unconscious. It was awesome. He was in a killer sludge/doom band with the bassist from Pleasant Valley called Blood of Ronin, but unfortunately they didn't last very long.
Hahah crazy bastard

I just checked out Pleasant Valley on myspace. Sounds awesome man. I will never ever get tired of the grind snare sound.

I absolutely love that Past the Hour track and the sludgy beginning.
Hahah crazy bastard

I just checked out Pleasant Valley on myspace. Sounds awesome man. I will never ever get tired of the grind snare sound.

I absolutely love that Past the Hour track and the sludgy beginning.

All that stuff was recorded before I joined the band, also with a different drummer than the current one, and honestly, I don't care for the production too much...but yeah, Past the Hour is definitely a fun one to play. Actually, a few of those tracks on the page are old 4 track rehearsal
Listening again...the drums do get a bit buried in the mix. Raise the kick some, maybe a little more treble on the snare. Guitars could prob come down a bit, also.