My Doom/Sludge band. Feedback?


Aug 14, 2008
Dallas, TX Immaculate Inception.mp3

We are working on a 3-song demo and have one song finished at the moment.

I'd like some feedback on this mix, mainly the low end since I mix with a sub in an untreated room and also double-check on my heads (AKG K240 600ohm version).

I already posted this song on our facebook NAUTILUSK for people to listen, but I might tweak the mix whenever we finish the other two songs and release it altogether online.

Anyway, thanks for listening.


Everything recorded into Saffire Pro 40

Guitar: was recorded through a Mojave Peacemaker into two 2x12 Ear Candy cabs mic'd with SM57 on each cab 1 1/2 inch away near the cone edge blended lightly with a DI going to TS808->LECTO Vintage Red Mode-> lolzgreg ASEM impulse, Redwirez Mesa 121 room impulses and some 57 impulse, and s-preshigh. Double tracked.

Bass: Markbass Little Mark II going into 2x12 Ear Candy Bassbomb cab mic'd with SM57 for grit blended with a DI, lots of compression and the use of Decapitator.

Vocals: Both kinds of vocals tracked with a Karma Silver Bullet mic, lots of compression on the harsher vocals. Touch of plate on the yelling/singing vocals and room verb on the harsh vocals.

Overheads: recorded with two Karma Silver Bullet mics; spaced pair about a foot above.

Snare: SM57 top only and 85% replaced in Trigger with like 6 samples using various user-uploaded samples here like greyskull's Big Rock Snare and Room samples, some Adios snare sample, a tiny bit of Deftones snare from Trigger and 2 others I can't quite remember.

Kick: SM57 but replaced completely in Trigger with Big Rock Kick/Room and a touch of Kick 1B from Trigger.

No toms in this song b/c drummer didn't feel like using them.
I think the bass sound is too clear for this kind of stuff. Maybe you should try mixing your clean bass sound with a fuzz track. On a song from my old band I doubletracked the bass by micing a 810 with a Beta52 and extreme fuzz settings applied. Then I panned them slightly

I think the drums also lacks a little bit of presence .

My advice have to be taken carefully as I'm still a noob :D
All feedback's welcome, man. I'm going to try to blend in more fuzz in there. I did blend a mic'd cab (which has a Supercollider fuzz pedal engaged) blended with a clean DI but it's probably not apparent enough in the mix. On the drums, does it lack presence overall as in it's too low in the mix or it needs some higher frequencies?

Also your song on your myspace page is really good. I definitely love that fuzzy bass sound.
Why even mic kick and snare if you are going to replace them to that degree?
I bet the raw files would be perfect for music such as this without replacement. The drum sound really isn't vibing for me at all compared to the rest of the recording.

Any chance of raws by the way? Would love to mix something like this.
I hear you on that, but the room where we recorded turned out kind of shitty in the recording. We intended to keep the drums natural -- which is why I mic'd them in the first place, but they didn't mesh. I'll try to get the raw files uploaded as soon as I can.
So what? If it's a slightly dirty, slightly shitty recording, why not run with the aesthetic? ;) Who know what kind of interesting atmosfears it could provide?

Looking forward to the raws.