Probably my best mix to-date. (Charlez stem pack) Feedback Plz?


Jul 12, 2005
Seattle, WA
Here's a mix I did using Charlez' stem pack. (found here)
This is probably my best mix to-date for sure. Any feedback and/or suggestions is appreciated, as I'm still learning and wanting to get better. Thanks!

Drums: Slate kick and snare blended with a few kick/snare samples from Lasse and Sneap. Cymbals are SD2.0 compressed with some overhead room mics blended from SSD. Toms are SSD as well.

Guitars: Lepou's Legion for Rhythm and Lecto for leads. I used 2 instances of impulses -- Recabinet as well as blended with Catharsis' "s-preshigh" impulse.

Bass: one clean DI track lowpassed at 500hz for a beefy low end round sound, and another DI high passed at 300hz and ran through Lextac for a bit of grit and both then blended together.
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I like it a lot but the kick is a bit loud still. Guitars are nice and tight but maybe a little too tight. Could use a hint more of gain.
Thanks man. I did some messing around with it last night, and I dont think the kick drum is too loud, but I do think it has a bit too much click or high-end that is poking through the mix, giving the impression that it's too loud. And as far as the guitars, I think it's the way the DI's were recorded. The more gain I seem to add to them the nastier they sound (in a bad way) and seems to muddy up the mix. I'll do some minor tweaks and post a new version later. Cheers.
Very clean mix. I personally like my kick in front BUT here I think the guitars and snare should be brought up just a hair to mesh a little better with the kick and put the cymbals a little further back. But that's my two cents.