Death - Human

Yes, Human is awesome and always will be, its shortness makes it sweet for future listens. Nobody mentioned how great the slower atmospheric sections of human are, but those were certainly unique in death metal in 1991 and sound great. Symbolic is my favorite Death CD, with Human ranking 2nd or 3rd.

Yes, it looks like the 2nd Control Denied will never be released in any official way. The album isn't even fully recorded, but 4 demo songs from it do appear on the Chuck Schuldiner: Zero Tolerance CD released in May 2004.

noitcelfer said:
Human is and was the great turning point for Chuck to get more 'progressive' if i may say. IMO Individual and Symbolic really showed improvement especially in the lead guitar work. But all Death albums are great. First time i got interested in Death was sometime around Spiritual Healing was released. I was wondering if anyone knows if the Second Control Denied will never be released...
Yes, this was a turning point for Death. Their first three albums had a scratchier, thrashier sound, (and are my favorites) while from Human onwards was a slower, more progressive sound.

This album really creates an inspiring, relaxed mood for me. As opposed to a mosh pit mood. Secret Face is an interesting song while Cosmic Sea and Vacant Planets lend to the mood in a somewhat sci-fi/fantasy way.
I remember seeing the video for "Lack of Comprehension" on the Ball and not really liking Death until ITP, but after ITP, I bought Human and loved it. This album grew on me after a little bit. The guitar solos are just amazing.