Death MAchine back from LA!!!!!


Dec 7, 2002
Want to thank everyone for being sooo kick ass to us, we really appreciate it. It's always nice when people share there thoughts about our performance and it was a pleaseure playing for all of you. Paul and the rest of The LA GAtes Of Metal crew, thank you for having us, we had a blast. (The guy who was also running the fest and was working the back-stage area, you were way cool to us \m/) ZIlla, so great to see you again man and enjoy the shirt. Lou and Ana (YOU TWO RULE, just plain and simple!!!) Vince of Prototype, very kick ass 81-7's on that Jackson (I tried breaking into you ride but I figured it's your guitar with that kick ass pickup) Artisan \m/!!!! The guys from Prymary, kick some ass in Atlanta Ga brothas. OK I'm beat to hell and I know i'm misssing people but my bed is just calling my name. As I was leaving saying later to everyone, I spotted a 12 year old kid wearing a Death MAchine shirt (KICK ASS). I went up to him and said right on brotha, thanks for getting a shirt. He looked at me like "Who the hell is this guy!!!!!"
I guess I do look a little different with my corpse paint and outfit on.:devil:


P.S. We wanted to stay longer but when they said our gear couldn't stay in the venue, so we just figured to take the gear home. (Yeah, home being a nice 7 hour drive away!!)