Death Metal Collab (Hour of penance, fleshgod)

I really like what you've done so far. Certainly interested, although I'm not big on programming stuff in GP.

/ Yeah, seems really cool. I guess you're going for the balls to the walls all out speed style, which would be welcome change for me and most of the writing I do for my projects. I was really impressed with the "Gloom EP" by JFAC and wanted to do something in that vein anyways, I guess that's pretty close to this stuff. Hit me up with some unfinished track and the tuning, and I will see what I can do. If you like it, we might get this going.
i dunno if you'd be interested, but if you wanna go old-school and do some collaborating/writing in person, i'm about 45 min. west of dayton in richmond...hit with me a PM if you might be down to hang out and jam sometime, cause i'm in somewhat the same boat where i'm getting pretty sick of trying to write/record/mix everything of mine by myself as well

to top it all off, this song is pretty badass, and is in a similar vein to some of the stuff i've been working on myself