Death Metal (decapitated/deicide style) Mix Feedback

Sounds cool. I love well mixed low-fi recordings. Raw, but clear. The drums are maybe a little too prominent.
Those guitars sound like toys... I think it was pretty catchy song though, so good job
i tend to like raw sounds more and more for metal lately, the tone is clear but maybe a bit too clear compared to the drums? hope this makes sense, like too edgy or something, but me likes.
The second mix does sound fuller, but the snare sounds a little "dry", IMO.

Also, the double bass seems a little too loud at times too.
I agree with all that has been said about the tone.

I do like this song a lot. I wouldn't really say it sounds like Decapitated that much reminds me a lot of Bloodbath! :) Some of those diminished riffs are a bit more Decapitated though.