death metal! dual rectifier/6505+ breeutalness

Guitars sound great but need to come up! Details on those?

The whole thing sounds really good, but the OH's sound like they're pumping. Otherwise, it sounds really really good! How'd you process those drums?? it sounds like it could be real, but at the same time sounds like DFHS. How'd you get it so natural/huge sounding!?
Great Drum sound and Im diggin' the splashy pumping over heads... Has that big compressed room feel... Never like it when cymbals are mixed so low that they dont even seem like they are part of the kit... You did a good job of avoiding this... Did you program all the drums and cymbals?? Or just mic up the overheads and replaced toms, snare and kick with Slate/DFHS??
Guitars sound great but need to come up! Details on those?

The whole thing sounds really good, but the OH's sound like they're pumping. Otherwise, it sounds really really good! How'd you process those drums?? it sounds like it could be real, but at the same time sounds like DFHS. How'd you get it so natural/huge sounding!?

yeah the overheads might be slightly too loud now that im listening back. i used a little more of the ambient track than i normally do, that might be why they sound a little less processed (except the kick and snare :p)

Great Drum sound and Im diggin' the splashy pumping over heads... Has that big compressed room feel... Never like it when cymbals are mixed so low that they dont even seem like they are part of the kit... You did a good job of avoiding this... Did you program all the drums and cymbals?? Or just mic up the overheads and replaced toms, snare and kick with Slate/DFHS??

yeah everything is programmed, kick and snare triggered with slate samples i believe 100% or close to it. and yeah, the room ambient tracks are squished to hell along with a parallel drum bus being squished for the compressed room sound
finished tracking vocals on this today, check the link out again

i also made the guitars a little louder and took the bass down slightly and did some general mixing stuff

Definitely a sweet sound! Heavy as shit. Which snare sample was that?

i mixed 8z2 with 3z1a
i loved that about it =) makes my testosterone run thiiiiick.

yes, i'm a sucker for tough-guy death metal

Hey, man, can't knock ya for that. To me, it's almost comical, though. That, and I think the pattern of "You're fuckin' dead" in the ending breakdown(s) just seems forced and out of place with the surrounding rhythms.
Good stuff once again Sean!

One minor point of attention:

- once the vocals kick in and the OH goes straight out, it sounds like they push the guitars in the background... maybe it's a compressor on the master track that pushes the guitars back when it gets crowded?

otherwise, cool mix!