Death Metal or Glam?


Celtic frost.

:lol: can't believe they looked like that back then
Glam still has a bigger following. Glam was mainstream, and death metal will always be underground. A hate glam with a passion.

but the statement he made that death metal fans wont be going to shows 15 years down the road. thats stupid and ignorant to say.
I think it's the complete opposite of that actually. Glam is commercial music and commercial music tends to die out once the next big thing comes along. Death metal is underground and has a cult following with people that really love that kind of music so it would be ignorant to say that they would just randomly move away from it.
I think both in CD and ticket sales glam does better. Death metal might have a few die hard fans but in 10, 15, or 20 years will those sames fans still be going to their local death metal shows? I highly doubt it. Glam on the other hand still has the same fans going 15 - 20 years later.
I think this is wrong. Death Metal is made up of diehard fans, and diehard fans do not quit after a few years.
This is an absolutely retarded idea for a thread, and should be closed just by virtue of its stupidity.

exactly. glam metal vs. death metal?! not only that but the original poster thinks that glam fans are more diehard than death metal fans. absolutely preposterous.
Poison still probably makes a ton of money doing rehashes of their hits and selling them to all the old fans.

I really do not want to see a 40 year old man in makeup. If I wanted to see that I'd go cruising for trannies on The South Side of Youngstown (not that I ever would)
exactly. glam metal vs. death metal?! not only that but the original poster thinks that glam fans are more diehard than death metal fans. absolutely preposterous.

Well overall yes but as Glam was a scene like Emo, there are die hard fans but also those that do it because its 'trendy' and you get more women if you have hair over one eye. Yeh right. Because glam has been my favourite genre of music for 11 years ever since my brother bought me Extreme - Extreme, and that will continue probably for my life.
Well overall yes but as Glam was a scene like Emo, there are die hard fans but also those that do it because its 'trendy' and you get more women if you have hair over one eye. Yeh right. Because glam has been my favourite genre of music for 11 years ever since my brother bought me Extreme - Extreme, and that will continue probably for my life.

not all hair metal is bad, in fact a lot of the older acts still have a career today (Motley Crue, Skid Row) in contrast to the bandwagon-jumping fluff that was signed during the late 80s major label feeding frenzy (i.e., Warrant, Nelson)
Yeh that was the thing with Hair metal, it had the huge acts then like you said the 'now you see them now you dont bands.' But the one hit wonders still managed to produce a quality album(s)

The label reminds me of Roadrunner to be honest, find the new trendy metal and sign every band you can from it.
Yeh that was the thing with Hair metal, it had the huge acts then like you said the 'now you see them now you dont bands.' But the one hit wonders still managed to produce a quality album(s)

The label reminds me of Roadrunner to be honest, find the new trendy metal and sign every band you can from it.

Roadrunner is probably the best example of this. It used to be a huge death metal label and now they're signing every worthless metalcore act they can get their hands on.