Death Metal or Glam?

Glam metal is not real metal regardless being 'metal' imo. VH-1 thinks glam metal is real metal and uses it too make metal look ridiculous without actually going more in depth with underground 80's and 90's metal to demenstrate what metal music is.

Metal IS ridiculous dude, death, black, glam, doom, it all goofy. Now don't everyone and their mother kill me but it is. Look at death metal...singing about gore (for the most part), black metal singing about satan, anti-religion (for the most part), glam singing about fast cars, bit tits and bear. It is all goofy in its own way.

Hay I LOVE metal and have for over 25 year (I am 36) and to me metal is goofy fun. I mean come moshing around in a circle, kicking and punching each other, slam, goofy and ridiculous.

Listen to all 8 Bloodsoaked (death metal) songs here:
SoundClick MP3: Bloodsoaked - Death Metal from North Carolina.

I read this today and it sums up metal perfectly

So to whom exactly does Thrash Metal concern? Ill-mannered, lowbrow street punks with no aspirations and futures? Senseless, uncouth savages that throw themselves in self-inflicted seizures when told to “bang at command?” Disturbed individuals who get off at the horse boner imagery of a thousand penetrated orifices?

No, not quite…

Some listen to Thrash as a way of escape. Escape from the tediously, routine-infested predictability of their own uneventful existences, escape from a life of certainty, security, and authority and to a world of total anarchy, where decisions are made on basis of reason rather than sentiments of restraint. Others listen to Thrash for inspiration. They are inspired to “fight for what [they] believe to be right” through means of political protest similar to that of the Punk movement in the 1970s. Still, listeners of Thrash may even include athletes whose professions in competitive sports demand that extra injection of aural hemoglobin as a source of performance enhancement and motivation. In general, the audience of Thrash Metal is of a young, rebellious demographic looking to change the world through sheer force of the fist.