Death Metal singer not allowed to be teacher


starlight spectre
Sep 27, 2007
Nijmegen, Netherlands
For the benefit of all german speaking people:

To summarize:
The fronter and sole steady member of Germany's Debauchery is not allowed to be a teacher, because of his hobbies - playing death metal and Warhammer 40k, and voicing unpopular opinions. His band recently did a video in which two blood covered women have sex while the band plays along, also covered in blood. Not the most tasteful video ever, certainly, but what does this have to do with his teaching abilities? Also, there was no outcry over the last Rammstein video which also wasn't that innocent.

Bolt Thrower has a video thats just a collage of war footage.

Even Opeth had some rather sick stuff in The Grand Conjuration.

Countless other examples. Even from pop music, if not that direct. Calling out on the peculiar aesthetic of death metal is hypocrisy.
If it was a mainstream rock band singer wanting to be a teacher it would be no problem. This is utter BS come on a little darkness never hurts anyone. But no most people wants rainbows and the good life who doesnt but its a thing called real life. I call it the pussyfacation of the masses for people to be mindless slaves.
Sometimes the life you lead can backfire on you at anytime. It's life. That's why you should delete your coke snorting facebook pictures before doing that Johnson case.

Explain what drugs have to do with the case.

And the argument is relevant, this sort of private enjoyment has nothing to do with someones ability to teach. I don't care what my teachers and lecturers do or did in their spare time as long as they teach me well. Everything else is a sorry knee jerk reaction to something you don't understand.
Explain what drugs have to do with the case.

And the argument is relevant, this sort of private enjoyment has nothing to do with someones ability to teach. I don't care what my teachers and lecturers do or did in their spare time as long as they teach me well. Everything else is a sorry knee jerk reaction to something you don't understand.

The brain on drugs was in response to the silly comment above it. Your argument about other bands' music videos is irrelevant since they're not the one at hand trying to become a teacher. Most importantly you've got blinders on due to your personal interests in a genre of music. Let me just simplify things for you, and take the music out of the equation. Say he put up a completely silent blood n' sluts video on the youtubez, they still wouldn't let this prick within a hundred feet of a school yard. Lastly I'm assuming he's not trying to teach people your age, you failed to specify that key factor. I know you can't understand how a parent would most likely react, but it doesn't make a difference because you really have no say in the matter.

Seems to me like your perspective is limited.

Who's isn't?

I'm not sure how the system is in Stuttgart, every state has its own laws, but he was a Referendar (~assistent teacher) for a Oberschule, that means eiter 11+ or 13+, depending on local laws.

However, you fail to explain why this disqualifies anyone from teaching.

I have a friend who is deep into rather bad hiphop with its own areas that make the public whine. He is an apprentice social worker and works with 10 year olds. No one objects, even though he spends more time with the kids than any teacher and has more influence. Double standard? Other social workers are ex-thugs, ex-addicts and other people who'd never be allowed in school by these standards, yet they influence kids every day and no one objects.

It may of course help you understand if you could read the article in full.

Of course I have no say in the matter. Neither have you. Does that exclude us from having an opinion, albeit a biased one?

My religion teacher was, fun fact, gay. Did anyone care? Of course not, and not just because it is (now) illegal to do so. Yet when something less heavy, compare a hobby to a sexual orientation, gets attention, suddenly everyone is worried about corrupting the kids? That to me is silly. It should be the same with that as with someone's sexual orientation: it shouldn't matter.
It would be different if he'd hand promos and gory pics to his students, but he didn't.


yeah i agree with LD, i can see if he was a DM singer it probably wouldn't interfere, but with that video on top of it i can see why no one would hire him (i mean im a huge DM/grind/goregrind/pornogrind/etc and even i understand). sure we don't care, cause we understand it, people fear what they dont understand. i agree its prejudice and somewhat unfair, but i totally get it

if this was 1984 does anybody think bruce dickinson would have been hired as a teacher? no way cause everyone thought they were devil worshippers because of number of the beast

Who's isn't?

I'm not sure how the system is in Stuttgart, every state has its own laws, but he was a Referendar (~assistent teacher) for a Oberschule, that means eiter 11+ or 13+, depending on local laws.

However, you fail to explain why this disqualifies anyone from teaching.

I have a friend who is deep into rather bad hiphop with its own areas that make the public whine. He is an apprentice social worker and works with 10 year olds. No one objects, even though he spends more time with the kids than any teacher and has more influence. Double standard? Other social workers are ex-thugs, ex-addicts and other people who'd never be allowed in school by these standards, yet they influence kids every day and no one objects.

It may of course help you understand if you could read the article in full.

First I like to take into consideration that most if not all publications like to sensationalize every little piece of information to rile up peoples emotions to sell their product. I can assure you most school boards would not let someone's questionable taste in music be a deciding factor. It's a sum of his public actions that's caught their attention. For one the article brings up this lude video he's a part of. That alone would warrant them not hiring him. There's a tenancy to take things of a sexual nature into extreme consideration when talking about children.
And Welt, being a Springer publication, is certainly one to exagerrate, that's true. Oddly enough they don't demonize the man, which is the company's normal mode of operation.

All I'm saying really is that there are better reasons for not hiring someone as a teacher than starring in a very bad taste video.
All I'm saying really is that there are better reasons for not hiring someone as a teacher than starring in a very bad taste video.

Yeah, like someone being a known pedo. That doesn't mean they have to lower their standards.

lol at this thread. agreeing with bluesky again. also your avatar(bluesky). holy shit i haven't seen that pic in so long. such a good shop.
I mean honestly I am not shocked at all of this. The whole part about the music video is what really makes this a no brainier. He made the choice to do this, no one else but him. Parents are not going to want their students to be taught by a man who has hobbies which he portrays himself in such a matter. I am not saying it is right, but it is how they are going to feel. They want their children to be taught by someone who is a role model to their standards, and if they were to find out that that is the way he makes music, then they will automatically feel inclined to be alarmed. I so however feel it is not right that he is not allowed to teach because the way he portrays his music. Music is a form of art, and if a painter did pictures of death parents would be fine with it. But because Metal has always been targeted as a problem form of music, people makes rash judgment about it. That is just what these parents are doing.