Menacing meow
I mean honestly I am not shocked at all of this. The whole part about the music video is what really makes this a no brainier. He made the choice to do this, no one else but him. Parents are not going to want their students to be taught by a man who has hobbies which he portrays himself in such a matter. I am not saying it is right, but it is how they are going to feel. They want their children to be taught by someone who is a role model to their standards, and if they were to find out that that is the way he makes music, then they will automatically feel inclined to be alarmed. I so however feel it is not right that he is not allowed to teach because the way he portrays his music. Music is a form of art, and if a painter did pictures of death parents would be fine with it. But because Metal has always been targeted as a problem form of music, people makes rash judgment about it. That is just what these parents are doing.
That's more or less what I was thinking too.