Death Metal singer not allowed to be teacher

I mean honestly I am not shocked at all of this. The whole part about the music video is what really makes this a no brainier. He made the choice to do this, no one else but him. Parents are not going to want their students to be taught by a man who has hobbies which he portrays himself in such a matter. I am not saying it is right, but it is how they are going to feel. They want their children to be taught by someone who is a role model to their standards, and if they were to find out that that is the way he makes music, then they will automatically feel inclined to be alarmed. I so however feel it is not right that he is not allowed to teach because the way he portrays his music. Music is a form of art, and if a painter did pictures of death parents would be fine with it. But because Metal has always been targeted as a problem form of music, people makes rash judgment about it. That is just what these parents are doing.

That's more or less what I was thinking too.
Real funny thing is: parents had nothing to do with this.

They had no part in the reason for him not being able to teach yes. But they are the reason the school choose not to let him teach. Because they knew parents would complain, and they would not want to bring negative attention to the school.
Another important detail that should be mentioned is the lyrics, which I'm sure they went over it with a fine tooth comb. I don't know this bands lyrics in particular, but if it's like quite a bit of DM talking about chopping babies into bits then they're going to have to take it more seriously than it probably is. Same as if they found a students notebook detailing a shooting, you can be assured he or she would be in the school's psych office faster than you can say "Columbine." There's no room for even jest these days.
They had no part in the reason for him not being able to teach yes. But they are the reason the school choose not to let him teach. Because they knew parents would complain, and they would not want to bring negative attention to the school.


i'm also with bluesky on this one...
Quite some lyrics focus on Warhammer 40k stuff. Not that anyone who doesn't play that game would understand that ("blood for the blood god" for example), or of course care.

Its fairly certain that they didn't check the lyrics (barely understandable anyway and in english - this is Germany) or cared what they were after seeing his album art (or the videos).

What I meant was that they didn't complain - or in fact knew. So if his superiors, those who'd judge the transition between Referendar and real teacher, hadn't brought this up no one would have known, or cared.
you always have :kickass: stuff to say, man.

Then goddammit I should film myself when I'm drunkheadbanging for real and show you what I have to say about goregrind teachers.

You guys know, Lord Worm was a English teacher.

But he erased his worm eating facebook pictures.

Quite some lyrics focus on Warhammer 40k stuff. Not that anyone who doesn't play that game would understand that ("blood for the blood god" for example), or of course care.

Its fairly certain that they didn't check the lyrics (barely understandable anyway and in english - this is Germany) or cared what they were after seeing his album art (or the videos).

What I meant was that they didn't complain - or in fact knew. So if his superiors, those who'd judge the transition between Referendar and real teacher, hadn't brought this up no one would have known, or cared.

I am pretty sure they would have found out. Also if he was an english teacher I am sure the lyrics were up to par with the English Language.
There was a teacher once at my former school that liked to hang himself on a cross while his friend shot at him with a b b gun...(He was on tv about it) He didn't get fired, and I don't think there were any parents complaining about it either....maybe its a mentality thing??
There was a teacher once at my former school that liked to hang himself on a cross while his friend shot at him with a b b gun...(He was on tv about it) He didn't get fired, and I don't think there were any parents complaining about it either....maybe its a mentality thing??

In a way certainly.
He was going to be an ethics/history/political science teacher, not english. After his superiors got wind of his music (he requested a day off for a concert, which is perfectly legal under German law and he didn't even have to specify anything, he was just curtious in saying he plays in a metal band) they were "sickend" etc. by it and then bound his advancement to full teacher to him distancing himself fromhis music's content. Content which is perfectly legal in Germany and may legally be sold to minors. Unlike say Eisregen nothing by Debauchery is banned (which is odd, but there you are) in Germany. They ordered him to be clean of his metal for three years.
His lawyer is going to have fun with that.

Denmark and Norway are waaaaay more relaxed. :)
Explain what drugs have to do with the case.

And the argument is relevant, this sort of private enjoyment has nothing to do with someones ability to teach. I don't care what my teachers and lecturers do or did in their spare time as long as they teach me well. Everything else is a sorry knee jerk reaction to something you don't understand.

It has nothing to do with it, but I always tell my boyfriend to be careful what he has as his facebook profile picture cause his students may find it. So he removed the photo of him drinking a beer, dressed as a cop, on top of a car and went for something more tasteful.

All it comes down to is money. Parents find out and will withdraw their kids from the school. I'd personally not be too pleased to find my kids teacher was promoting misogynistic shit like that. I wouldn't want a man that thinks women covered in blood (to me denoting they have been hurt/violence) is cool teaching my kids. I have no problem with that really, stupid shit happens in the world everyday, but when kids come into it people are way more picky about who looks after theirs.

I think Nocturno Culto is a primary school aged teacher.
I'd take any class taught by a death metal teacher, any day, any semester, any school

One of the best classes I had was from a teacher in a metal band. He did once talk about marketing, and I mentioned that some bands use lame sexist gimmicks like bringing female strippers on stage and alienate their female fans in the audience. (his band did it) hahahaha. He was a good teacher though.
1.Nice promo. Now, everybody go buy their albums & merch and watch their videos...
2.Being denied as a teacher could after all be for his own benefit. If any kind of shit happenend at that school, he would have been the first they blame for it, rightfully or not.
3.There are plently of jobs he could do with a hobby like that, nobody would care. But as a teacher, he doesn't seem very suitable in my opinion. At least, I don't think I would want him to teach my kids.
4.On the other hand, the world is full of sick people. It's just a matter of hiding or living out your sickness (or hobbies or passions, however you want to call it) and dealing with the consequences of either.
5.Of course I do not know him in person. Maybe he's the greatest guy and the best teacher ever, who knows. But apparently he already decided his art is more important to him than the teaching. Good luck.