Death Metal Style Vocals


New Metal Member
Feb 2, 2004
I've recently been messin around with my mic and tried out sum screaming sort of vocals. Can anyone please comment? The song is Napalm Death - The Icing On The Hate. I've attached a link to a download that contains 2 short recordings of the same section of the song. They r slightly different. The 2nd recording was done with headphones on.

(no I ain't a Blink fan lol)

Don't b 2 harsh, I don't claim 2 b good. Was just wondering if I could get away with bein a temp vocalist 4 a band I'm gettin 2gether.

U MUST COPY AND PASTE THE LINK AND ADD A 'w' AT THE START you use your belly as you growl?
It doesnt seeme to me that you do that, since you dont really get alot of power out of your voice...
yeh bro you need to go more from your stomach

and you need to go a bit lower and growl more.

plus, get into the mindset of the song your singing, it helps a lot. think about the song, its called the icing on the hate, you have to pissed off to sing this good.
I constantly read advice saying roar from your gut, but how exactly is this done? I can't seem to understand or achieve what you mean - not that I'm a vocalist in ANY way, but I just tried it out, and I can't go louder than a whisper level really!
find someone that can growl and copy that. Its like the easiest thing to do.

From the muthafuckin gut!!!
gut.jpg you use your belly as you growl? It doesnt seeme to me that you do that, since you dont really get alot of power out of your voice...

I dont know how to pull from the gut either, but i do have powerful ass vocals. so, when you do this from the gut, how does it feel? What are we supposed to feel?
I dont use by gut much either. I use it to emphasise certain lyrics. i find it gives it more power like people have been saying. I mainly do high screaming so i dunno about all this low growling stuff. Using the gut in high creaming adds almost a second layer to your voice. If anyone has got Dimmu Borgir's 'World Misanthropy' DVD, watch the performances of stormblast and entrance from the poland gig and observe how thick and massive shagrath's vocalls sound, thats kinda what using power from the gut does to high vocals, although it does make your belly ache after a while.