death/metalcore mix for review

I recorded this band a few weeks ago and so far this is what we have, just drums and guitars but go ahead and let me know what you think. I think once we get some vox and bass over this it will really take off.

I recorded all of this through my firepod into nuendo 3.0 all mixed ITB with a lot of waves plugs.

Drums are mostly natural with samples used on the kick and the snare, otherwise its all natural.

The guitars were an Les paul looking LTD and a really nice Ibanez guitar. Both were recorded with a 6505 through a vintage marshall cab, with a bbe sonic maximizer in front of it.

Anyway let me know what you guys think, just looking for anything to improve on. Oh yea its not mastered or anything just a little compression and limiting on the master buss to get it a little bit louder.

Heres the link....

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Sounds pretty good to me.
Drums need some work to make them coherent I think. The kick sticks out a lot and toms don't.
Guitars might need some more mid and less low, but that will be clear once bass is recorded.
I would also take down the volume of the intro cause it takes away the power of the music kicking in when it's this loud.
I really like the music!

thanks for listening! i have no idea why that link isnt work but just copy and paste this into your browser if it doesnt work for you

yea we just threw that intro in there and lined it up so there really isnt anything done to make it fit the mix, i was more worried about the instruments. I know exactly what u mean on the drums and i just dont know what to do to them. I've tried eq'ing the toms a lot to get them to stand out more but nothing seems to work, any pointers?
I've always had a hard time getting toms to punch through as well.
Most of the time this was caused by a soft hitting drummer, but it ended up as my mixing problem :mad:
This bothered me more and more, until I started recording direct trigger signals. These signals, with a much bigger signal to noise ratio than the miced tom, allow you to:
  • gate your toms with the trigger sound as a side chain input
  • move them ahead a little to get all of the original attack on the tom tracks
  • mix them with the tom tracks themselves for extra snap
  • Add lots of compression to the toms bus without ampifying cymbal/HH bleed.
Maybe it's not gonne help you this time cause you didn't record trigger signals...or did you!?!
You could duplicate all tom tracks, eq these extremely by finding the toms main frequency, negatively delay these tracks and use them to side chain the noise gates on the toms, as mentioned before.
I had some luck...sometimes...but nothing beats the trigger signals :)

Good luck...
I'm sorry man but I think it all got worse.
The whole mix is lacking mids and highs and everything is overpowered by the kick drum's low freqencies. To me it sounds like you used very much eq on all the tracks. Try to clean things up using HPF/LPF first.
Also nail the bass track first before working on the whole mix. It will help to give you a better picture of what's needed and what's not.
In the old days I used to mixdown drums and guitars before being able to record more tracks (bass, vocs) and this sub mix needed a much different approach than a final mixdown. Since you don't HAVE to do this anymore, don't bother too much...
