DEATH (The band)

Zombie Ritual owns. I like Evil Dead a bit more though. Woo for Youtube :p

I'll be getting Leprosy, Idividual Thought Patterns and Scream Bloody Gore somtime soon, but I need to digest Human and Symbolic first. They both have SOOOOOOO much going on its incredible :kickass:
Got Scream Bloody Gore and Leprosy yesterday. Haven't listened to Leprosy yet, but I heard SBG last night. The first 6 songs (Except Zombie Ritual) were.... okay..... the second half of the album is where its at through.Baptized in Blood, Torn to Pieces, EVIL DEAD :kickass:, Scream Bloody Gore and the bonus tracks were incredible. I never knew you could say cunt so many times on one album :lol:

Best songs : Evil Dead, Zombie Ritual
Worst song : uuuumm.... Multiation. Wasn't really feeling that one too much.
Well I normally don't like gore lyrics, but since Death's music is so increbile I was able to overlook it.
Multiation's chorus just kinda annoyed me :lol: I'll give it another listen later and think about it some more :)
Didn't he say something along the lines of "I write gore lyrics because its fun"?
Somethin like that anyway :)
Yup thats it. Its all in the name of fun. Anyone who takes it seriously needs to be shot. (He obviously didn't say it as harshly as that. He seemed like a very genuinely nice person.)
Yup thats it. Its all in the name of fun. Anyone who takes it seriously needs to be shot. (He obviously didn't say it as harshly as that. He seemed like a very genuinely nice person.)

He had a shirt with kittens on it, and went on stage in flip flops (or were they slippers? I can't remember), I think he was a nice dude.
Listened to Human, Symbolic and Leprosy ALOT over the last week.
Leprosy = WIN
PULL THE PLUG! :kickass:
Damn right man, great albums. Especially Human, which has to be my favourite. I think! (It's so hard to choose when they're all great in different ways) :lol:
Thanks to Chuck for helping through a tough time of my life. :kickass:

And also thank you to Evile. I listened to Infected Nations almost everyday during the last week, and was one of the few things that kept me going. Between my grandmothers funeral, seeing family in tears, being away from home, being heartbroken about not seeing someone I've been waiting almost a year to see, it was a shitty week, but I could always count on a random song from that album to help cheer me up. Thanks guys. :kickass:

Why did I type this out here? :lol:
This should be elsewhere, but oh well. :)
Its because they're fucking legendary thats why :D
All I need now is Individual Thought Patterns and the live album :)
And a new copy of Symbolic. :lol: Fuck goHastings! >:l