Death Tribute Event in Israel - 1/12/05


Apr 1, 2004
Nahariya, Lebanon
I hope you don't mind that I'm posting here to,

Tomorrow a great event in the memory of Chuck Schuldiner, the mastermind of the metal inovators named Death, will be taken form in Tel Aviv, Israel.

I posted this message here (and ofcourse on the Death's tribute sub-forum) to maybe get a good word from you people, espeicaly James, which knew Chuck so well. I never got to see Death live, only on DVD's or cassettes. All of the players which will be playing on this event never got to see Death live. We hope to raise some attention to all the metalheads in Israel that have taken the musical legacy of Chuck for granted. He is being idolized here in Israel - and Death together with Metallica, Iron Maiden and Pantera - is most appreciated metal band here. Death never reached the shores of Israel in their tours, so we decided to put the most grand live tribute ever to Chuck and his music, playing more than 20 songs over more than 2 and a half hours of nothing but Death (well, and maybe one Control Denied).

I don't know if Chuck himself ever pulled a show so long, but I hope that if he didn't, he will look from the heavens above and smile on us.

Chuck, We salute and remember.
4 long years.



thank you,
Peace out
Outside of the US, most countries write dates with the day first and the month second. ;)

Nice to hear about the tribute, man. Hope it goes well!
Here's the extremely long playlist of the song we played,
The show was very crowded, more than 450 people came to see how we will reincarnate Chuck's music :

Intro (parts taken from : Voice of soul, Spiritual healing, Evil dead, When the link will become missing, Destiny, Perennial quest, Cosmic sea, The fragile art of existence)

1. Flattering of emotions
2. The philosopher
3. Spirit crusher
4. Trapped in a corner
5. Living monstrosity (feats. Adir from Kna'an)
6. Jealousy
7. Zombie Ritual (feats. Moti from Spawn of Evil)
8. Suicide machine
9. Scavangers of human sorrow (feats. Oded from Dissonant)
10. Overactive imagination
11. Lack of comprehension
12. Expect the unexpected (feats. Yochai from Acropolis)
13. Symbolic
14. Zero tolerance
15. Empty words
16. Sacred Serenity
17. 1000 eyes
18. Without judgment
19. Crystal mountain
20. Misanthrope
21. Pull the plug

Hope to add a link soon so you'll be able to watch some videos from the show. The crowd was extremely into the whole thing, and they sang evert chorus perfectly, like Empty Words and Spirit Crusher. Pull the plug was a mind-blowing final where the crowd got really crazy and all.
That's a cool setlist! I'd love to see some videos like you mentioned. Cool to see "Expect the Unexpected" in there too!
Yeah, a vid of that show would be nice to see. It sounds like it was a cool event.

I never got to see Death play live either. I couldn't go to the only show that they played that was remotely close to my location because I had to watch my brother and sister while my parents were working that day. :(
XdefilerX said:
That's the link that was posted by someone in the Israeli metal forum. He shot some videos with his camera - nothing professional (We had a professional video-shooting there, I hope that I'll get a copyof that soon),

Haven't seen that yet, hope it will show some of the spirit he had there :

Awesome, man. I just watched this all. Despite the audio trouble that normal video recorders have, I enjoyed it. Sounds like the songs were performed well.

If I may ask, what was your part as far as the concert was concerned? Did you perform, or are you just promoting it, friends with the people who got it started? What?
Oh, I'm the vocalist.

I preformed most of the songs (aside from "Living monstroisty", "Scavangers of human sorrow", "Zombie Ritaul" and "Expect the unexpected") and believe me that wasn't easy :) the set was more than 2 hours and it was very hard to push my throat that far.

You can check my band (sorry for the free commercial, but it has a point at the end ) called "Abed" at :

and listen to the songs "Mechanical Scythe" and "281-219" - they both really Death-influenced songs by many means.

THe drummer on this show is in this band too :) though the songs were recorded more than 4 years ago and are not that representive to his present skills :)