deathcore (5150, ts808, mesa cab, sm57)

programmed drums?
these the slate cymbals?

and I would say make the drums glu more.
The drums sound very Slate stock preset-ish

These are actually the dkfh cymbals, and the drums are a mix of a slate and strugis samples, yeah i know i probably need to do a little more work to the drums, im just trying to get ideas on what i should go for when i actually go into deeply mastering and mixing there tracks. Mostly right now im worried about how guitars and bass are sounding, these were just some random scratch tracks for drum tracking with a really bad guitar, we are retracking with a LTD horizon, so im guessing after we do that the guitars should be about what im looking for and for drums i just moved his hits and to the grid because we had to get all the drums done in 1 day so we had no time to wast making it perfect, and his cymbals were not the best so i just replaced them
toss a nice comp on those cymbals.

and I dont really think giving you adice on the guitars is necessary when you're going to reamp later with a better guitar.
I would wanna hear that tone and then let you know what I think. sound fair?

(and if you're using one of the sturgis snares bring it up a bunch. His snares have killer crack to them and cut wonderfully for me)
@ From The Deep...
uhhh WTF man?!
Don't hi-jack people's threads... especially with low quality music in a low quality format. :guh: