Deathcore mix ( what does this need)

Feels like it should be more exciting. I'd play around with the high end, bring the cymbals up and/or brighten them, stuff like that. Guitars seem a tad loud, maybe some compression on your drum bus or 2mix would also help it pop out a little. Sounds pretty brutal though! nice job.
Yeah i agree the guitars seem a little loud to me, The drums are compressed a good amount so i'm not to sure if they just need brought up in the mix, I also am not to sure how the bass guitar is sitting in the mix.

It seems like the snare is battling with the guitars a great deal, pretty inaudible and turns to mush during the blast beat part.

I'd recommend bringing down the guitars even more, possibly bringing up the snare and OHs.

That being said, guitars are sounding pretty darn sweet, this is very well tracked and edited mix, and tone is asskicking :D

Upon second listen, I'd also sort out some of the bass and guitar lowend frequencies as there seems to be a little bit of clashing which is is making the mix ever so slightly muddy.

Rather brootz overall though :kickass:
It seems like the snare is battling with the guitars a great deal, pretty inaudible and turns to mush during the blast beat part.

I'd recommend bringing down the guitars even more, possibly bringing up the snare and OHs.

That being said, guitars are sounding pretty darn sweet, this is very well tracked and edited mix, and tone is asskicking :D

Upon second listen, I'd also sort out some of the bass and guitar lowend frequencies as there seems to be a little bit of clashing which is is making the mix ever so slightly muddy.

Rather brootz overall though :kickass:

Thanks for the input man, yeah i have only began mastering normally ill mess with mix's sometimes maybe a month before i'm fully happy with them.

The biggest thing i'm worried about is making sure the guitar tone sounds good because we did not DI track these is was all live tracked so i cant do a lot to change it. mix wise there wanting something along the lines of ( impending doom/Molotov solution, so i'm going to probably base a little off of how there stuff is mixed, i'm going to end up, uploading more song of this bands because this one is the worst song they have, this was the first song they ever wrote, i was rather impressed because the lead guitarist was only 14 and the rythem was 16, the hardest thing was to get them to chug really hard lol.