deathcore mix

wasnt tracked by me - levels on everything were seriously hot, guitars were clipped to fuck and have an inherent spongey quality in them which im not keen on at all. guitars are 6505 and mesa cab - way more eq than i normally use on guitars to try and shape the character of the tone more. used the psp squad eq's primarily, and am very impressed with them - particularly the new mc EQ (MCI).

this is only an early mix - have barely touched the vocals yet.

mix wise i was going for something kind of like andy's work on genesis by JFAC.

thoughts so far?
sounds great! might be a taste thing, but the hats sound like they're too closed to me, sounds a bit weird, especially noticeable in the first half of the song.
The guitars and vocals are really muddy..

Sounds a little bit like if you're in another room listening.

The drums are kind of machinegun-like. But the sounds is good.
Yeah, I'm thinking the guitars are either too middy or two dark, can't really point my finger at it.