deathcore. need suggestions to give the mix more life!


I try.
Aug 20, 2010
Boston, MA
Hey guys.
I haven't been doing this kind of work long, but I got the opportunity to record a local deathcore band's album and so far it's been an interesting experience.

this is where I'm at with one of the songs now I'd love to have some suggestions to give the mix a bit more life or what I can do better in the future.

I'm going for a whitechapel feel. master3.mp3

updated mix with a different song: Master1.mp3
More gain on the guitars maybe and less compression on the master, it's pumping pretty badly. The vocalist is really good, especially his highs.
also...maybe some sort of reverb buss on the drums to give them a little more life, or maybe parallel compression, if you haven't already.
guitars sound wierd...At 38 seconds you hear a whoosh type sound from the guitars (if that's what it is) and then the single note riff in the center, which sounds undergained, loud and focused, and then the hard panned guitars kick in again and sound mid heavy and thin, but like sims...That center guitar sounds unbalanced to the others, undergained by comparison, less fizzy, which throws everything off to me.